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The night in Old Quebec held a crisp winter chill, and the allure of a quiet evening in the cozy cabin beckoned. You and Tom bundled up in warm layers, decided to venture out for a nighttime stroll to a nearby convenience store, searching for beers to enjoy by the cabin fire.

As you walked hand in hand through the serene streets, the glow of streetlights casting a soft halo on the snow-covered pavement, you relished the quiet beauty of the night. With its inviting lights, the convenience store appeared like a beacon in the winter darkness.

Upon reaching the store, you and Tom perused the aisles, selecting a couple of Pacifico beers to accompany your evening. The chill of the refrigerated section contrasted with the warmth of the cabin anticipation.

With the beers in hand, you and Tom stepped back onto the snowy streets, the sounds of your footsteps muffled by the quiet of the night. As you walked, enjoying the serenity, a gust of wind playfully tugged at your winter gloves, causing one slip from your hand.

Unbeknownst to you, an old man behind you noticed the fallen glove. In a kind and gentle voice, he called out in French, "Madam, vous avez laissé cela," holding up your glove.

Surprised and grateful, you turned to the kind stranger. "Oh, merci beaucoup!" you exclaimed, retrieving the glove. "Oui oui, merci!"

With his flair for theatrics, Tom couldn't resist imitating your theatrical "oui oui merci" playfully and exaggeratedly. The old man chuckled at the lighthearted exchange, and you and Tom burst into laughter together.

As you continued your walk back to the cabin, the streets now illuminated by the moon's soft glow, Tom couldn't resist teasing you. "Oui oui merci, darling, the most dramatic expression of gratitude I've ever witnessed. Bravo!"

You playfully rolled your eyes, and together, with the Pacifico beers in hand and the memory of the theatrical "oui oui merci," you and Tom made your way back to the cabin, the night full of laughter and warmth.

Winter Whims | Tom Blyth Where stories live. Discover now