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Previously on Not so lonely After all..

 "..go away..get out of my head..leave..please" Bakugou muttered to himself, over and over. Praying that the thought of kirishima goes away and all the feelings..of love..he had..leave as well..




Third person's POV

Kirishima walked in the pouring rain, crying hard but trying not to make a sound. The smile of sunshine that he had..vanished from his mind and face. He wishes he can go back and make sure he never ran and tripped..but he cant.

His phone buzzes, he takes out his phone and opens the text. 


Sweetie, we went over to grandma's. the keys are under the rock like usual, there's food in the fridge
i cant wait to hear all about your day

Kirishima cries more. He ignores the text and doesnt respond back to his mother. he doesnt want her to see him so miserable. He runs into the woods near by and keeps running, wiping away the tears and stumbling over rocks, tree roots and stumps.


I'm sorry..

He'll never forgive you.

Shut up

You're useless to him now

No..s-shut up

Run..keep running..there's nothing back with him

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD" Kirishima yelled out, running into a little shed. He slams the door and sits down on a mattress on the floor and continues to cry until he eventually falls asleep. Meanwhile he's phone is going off with tons of messages and calls from his mothers and his friends. 

The rain pours harder as the night fades into darkness, leaving only the sound of passing cars, the animals in the woods and the leaves rustling in the wind. 

With katsuki

"Kats..can i come in?" Masuru asks, Knocking softly on the door. Bakugou wakes up and stands up, he opens the door revealing masuru holding a tray with hot chocolate and some mochi. "How you holding up?" He asks as he enters the room. 

"Mhm" Bakugou grunts, he walks up the hidden stairs to his bed and masuru follows and sits on his bed. "..I know im not your father and i probably shouldnt be doing this right now." Masuru says, Bakugou looks at him confused. "..do you love him?" Masuru asks, looking at bakugou. Bakugou's eyes widen at the sudden question.

Bakugou looks down at the ground below him. "..i dont know.." He says softly. Masuru sighs of relief. "Kats..i have to say. The kid is a really good kid, and i think he has feelings for you too" Masuru says. bakugou looks surprised

No way he has feelings for me...he's just friendly...no one could love me..

Bakugou thought. Masuru pats his back and rubs it, "sometimes..people, or a person..one person is worth more than your art..and even if its not him..you cant let a mistake ruin you two" Masuru says. Bakugou doesnt look at masuru, he continues to stare  at the floor below him. 

Masuru gets up and gets off bakugous' bed, he leaves the hot chocolate and mochi with bakugou and leave the room...

Bakugou sits on his bed, in a cold empty room. trying to get everything to stop..the thoughts of kirishima, the painting, the memories he made with kirishima. then he got a text.


Yo, is the red head with you? 


Boom-boom boy
the fucking red head's not fucking here, dont talk about about him anymore

Dude he's missing
No one has heard from him in like hours

..missing, no..he can't be missing...

Boom-boom boy
Missing? Are you fucking with me? how could that redheaded idiot go missing

I'm not messing with you, denki's been trying to reach him for hours
Blasty its almost midnight now..do you know where he might be?

..He's actually missing...i-i did this...fuck kirishima!

Boom-boom boy
is anyone searching for him? 

No, the rains fucking pouring so hard, no ones letting their kids out to search for him

(i forgot to say bakugou changed into black baggy pants, and a graphic t-shirt.)

Bakugou switches off his phone and puts it in his back pocket. He ran downstairs causing mitsuki and masuru to worry "Katsuki? what's going on where you going?" Mitsuki says walking to her son. "He's missing! i gotta go find him!" Bakugou yells out while putting on his shoes

"Kats!" Mitsuki and masuru yell out, but bakugou already ran out the house into the stormy weather. Bakugou ran up and down trying to find him. He ran to the park where they had ice cream..couldnt find him. 

He yelled and screamed kirishima's name. Going down to the skate park..nothing..to the karaoke place..nothing again. He screamed for kirishima...but nothing. Bakugou ran to the park where they met up..nothing no red..

Kirishima..where are you...

Bakugou thought, trying to think where he might have went. 


"MSS? What's that?"
"My special spot"
"Uh..yeah sure whatever"

End of flashback

RIGHT! He's special spot! he asked if we could go there but we went to the skate park instead! That's where he is!..hopefully...But i dont know where his spot is..

Bakugou thought, until he remembered the talk they had before they got to his house.

Kirishima said his spot had a small lake, like in my photo

Bakugou ran to the spot he took the photo..he ran to the woods and he ran fast. He started remembering what he  said to kirishima in his room..and he realized...something

...hold on for me kirishima

He found..a friend

I'm sorry for everything and the yelling

He found...someone he's truly deeply

Don't die on me now shitty hair!

in love with..

Bakugou ran further up the forest, calling for kirishima. He found a shed in the middle of the woods. The area had a little lake like kirishima had said..bakugou walked to the door and walked in. He saw kirishima..on the floor on a mattress..bleeding. 


That's all on Not so lonely after all..

See yall

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