Fantastic Four

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Slowly, Doctor Victor Von Doom's eyes opened up, finding himself in a city he was not accustomed to. Unlike the circular buildings of West City, these were long and rectangular in shape, piercing the sky above. Heavy rain poured, allowing the stench of the sewers and garbage to penatrate even the likes of his Vibranium mask. Above him, several screens blazed, detailing various advertisements ranging from skin care to movies to media entertainment. Looking around, various citizens were known to Doom's presence, looking at or scurrying away from the tyrant out of fear. Aside from the only recognizable face there.

"Interesting. Out of all the civilizations I ransacked under Frieza, King Cold, and King Vegeta, I never have encountered an environment where the gap between the lower and upper classes were wider than that of Planet Vegeta." Bardock said as he looked around, watching a crazed homeless man walk back and forth nearby.

"Such a disgusting place." Doom said as he looked around. For some reason, the humans knew of Doom as they began to murmur his name.

"Where are we? Are we still on Earth?" Bardock asked.

"Not on the Earth that counts." Doom said as he observed the billboards. "New York City. Why would Darkness take us to a place that doesn't exist on our Earth?"

"With beings like you and Darkness, there has to be a reason." Bardock said.

"I can tell you are comparing me to that space emperor of yours." Doom said as he looked over at Bardock.

"You at least you have a good enough reason for every horrible thing you do. Well... at least what you deem is a good reason. Frieza just wiped out an entire race just over a silly legend." Bardock said, reminding himself of Gine, Raditz, and everyone he would never get to see again.

"A legend still yet to come. A legend only you and I have witnessed." Doom said as he walked away. "Besides, there are far worse fates. The Saiyans would have stood less of a chance if Galactus came and loomed over your doorstep." Doom reminded.

"Galactus? That myth about a world eating power that surpassed Beerus?" Bardock questioned.

"I assure you the first destroyer god that predates the universe is no myth. Most myths are often rooted in fact." Doom said, knowing that Galactus could beat Whis, the Grand Priest, or even the Omni King if he wanted the challenge. "Let's go. We can find our purpose elsewhere."

"I doubt that." Bardock said as he pointed to the main screen in Times Square. Sure enough, the image revealed that of Betty Brant, a reporter for J. Jonah Jameson's Daily Bugle, interviewing the likes of-

"REED RICHARDS!!!!" Doom snarled as looked over to find the Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Thing, and The Human Torch all stilling comfortable in front of the reporter.

"I knew it. You still aren't over them dying on our Earth." Bardock said smugly, until he saw Doom's rising anger envelope him. "Take it from someone who has died and doesn't stand a chance of coming back. It's not wise to chase phantoms."

"Well, Dr. Richards. What can you tell me about the Fantastic Four's long-time nemesis? I heard you had plenty of conflicts with Doctor Doom." Betty Brant requested.

"Yes, while it was true that Victor had played a part in us getting powers on the day of the shuttle incident, he has largely been an opposition to all four of us and the rest of the superhero community. His ego and ambitious naturally drive him to take over the world, and no one has the right to do that." Mr. Fantastic said.

"Hmmm. This is a world where you actually helped them get their powers. If I recall from your memories, you refused to help with the space shuttle because you wanted to spend more time with that Bulma chick after the accident. I suppose your lack of intervention was what made them fated to die." Bardock figured out.

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