1. pleas to a deaf "mother"

253 21 13

A/N; acts abuse.

Photographs were taken, flashing repeatedly basking the people in its light — they stung the sensitive eyes of the humans yet the monster who mingled in within crowd were unblinking.

The foreign woman with slightly swollen lips peered down at the said monster as well as known as the biological daughter, lips itching to curse or voice the mean words but she bit them back, not forgetting they were in the public eye.

That would all change later and the monster would receive those harsh words, the verbal abuse; a normal occurrence in the L/N household. Thoughts disrupted once people questioned the "happy family".

"How old are your daughters Mr. L/N?"

"Are they from the same mother?"

"Your daughters are lovely! They should sign up for modeling, I have a agency—"

And many more annoying and irritating things people asked the father, the leader of the 'family'. The blonde haired daughter; a fake, a child who lived off the family name only because her mother married your father. You turn a blind eye at the child, she was anything but an eye sore yet at times you felt that way, she was ugly inside.

"Daddy, don't you think I look pretty in my dress?" Miria asked, fluttering her lashes at the camera as she gave the paparazzi a little spin to showcase her outfit of the day. A common Barbie dress you'd see, so full of life and pink.

The complete opposite of yours, sporting a black dress that was ankle length, black sandals and a black hair clip that was clipped onto strands of your (H/C) locks and buried beneath.

A female with a mic turned to face you as she raised the mic below her lips and questioned.

"What do you feel about your mother?"

You stare up at her, what mother? Was the question that lived rent free in your head, the foreign woman who claimed to be your mother was not her. But what would you know of your mother? She had never seen your first steps, known your first words— she was simply absent.


The woman beside you halts to stare, rubbing your back up and down only to pinch it away from everyone's gaze, a warning but you couldn't care less, honesty is the best policy they say.

Staring right at the female who had the mic at you, awaiting the response she had left a question.

"I hope she's dies." Staring into the camera with a small smile, already blank irises darkening at the thought of the woman who birthed you roaming around Japan or anywhere for the matter and living a happy life when she's ruined yours by bringing you into this world.


The man known as 'father' had thrown the monster (the child) into the cold room, slamming it shut as he curses at her, calling the child names a child at the age of six should never be called. The child known as 'you' had hut the ground harshly and scraping your elbow, the skin slightly torn as beads of blood begin to form at the now roughed up skin, it was never perfect anyway. Always having the past imprinted on the jagged skin, biting back her tongue to silence a cry.

At the end of the day, you were always and only a child during these times. Babies cry, children cry, adults cry, everyone does.

𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐀𝐍 - BUNGO STRAY DOGS,, Dazai x reader x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now