2. suffocation of a "father"

145 14 11

A/n: mentions of self harm and a bit brutal scene.

Y/N was sat in the comforts of the warm embrace that the duvets had provided — they piled up on her shivering form, yet fails to bring her any comfort of an actual embrace.

She cradled her head in between the caps of her knees, eyeing the white silken sheets that stained the color of crimson. The drops of blood bleed through the thin layer of sheet when she laid her head back, disgusted with herself for doing such things to herself, she's baffled at how disgusting she could actually get. She regrets it yet she doesn't — how deep she dug the sharp tip of the razor speaks louder than she ever will.

She changes the sheets to avoid suspicion it wasn't like her 'parents' cared at all, sighing softly when she drifted off into dream land.


The movements of shifting and tugging awoke the fifteen year old female who sat up instantly — ignoring the ringing in her ears and the way she felt dizzy at the sound movement, her e/c stare at her father who had cold hard look on his face.

"Y/N, get dressed. I want you to get something for me." He doesn't elaborate anymore, standing and towering over her before walking the other way. Y/N's eyes widened as she instantly sprung out of her; not before freshening herself by washing, she placed both feet into the white rich in color shower and rolled the tap to the right.

Water seeped out of the holes in the shower head  and dropped southwards onto the floor and the females body, soaking it in its presence the only hot embrace she'd ever receive. A warm relaxed sigh released from her parted lips and she washed herself, body now soapy and she hissed at the pain of the sting that accentuated more on her thighs than the rest of her body.

She looks down at her nude body, disgusted with herself yet could never bring herself to quit. She's said to herself she would more than she could count.

Banging on the door could be heard a silent warning for her to hurry up from either her father or stepmother, Y/N responds quickly; "Coming, I'll be out in a second." And she did, drying herself and putting on her outfit she wore at nights like these.

A white mask one jesters would use, the cover was white but had the smiley face and the two shapes colored in black; black Mary Jane's with heels at the bottoms of them — a black skirt that was around knee length and black tights, a white dress shirt and a bow colored in black in the middle and just above the vest.

"I'm ready dad." Y/N says; breath a bit ragged due to the mask that barricades new air but still welcomed a tiny amount of it through the mask, it's fine all she had to do was please her father and he would make her sit with them at the dinner table as they conversed with daily discussions. "Call me boss, I'm your boss."

Y/N's lip twitched behind the mask as she complied. "Yes sir." Her father nods expectedly, never doubting her of complying.

Shortly after both her father and her entered the black sports car and he sat in the passenger seat as his chauffeur drove them to a building that kept his desires locked away with heavily guarded security. The port mafia.

Y/N was sat in the backseat, fiddling with the hem of her skirt — looking away from her father and to the window; still wearing the same mask she wore since earlier.

The car had been parked behind an alleyway, not too far of from the building but not quite close either — her father and her walked closer to the destination. "On room number forty floor 3 there's a man whose position threatens your mother." He says, fixing his neck tie loosening it up. "Kill him and leave no evidence behind."

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