I Swear I'm Normal

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Red Son grew up without other children. But that was hardly an issue.

He could be alone, he could simply stay in his room and do as he pleased. That was until he became of age to attend parties with his mother.

They were loud, thrumming against his eardrums. The smells of perfumes and colognes clashed together, wafting forcefully into his nose. People would talk and talk and talk, bumbling around and bumping into him.

Red Son would feel overwhelmed, getting snappier as his temper dwindled. His frown would deepen, and his eyes would burn with tears ready to spill out.

And then his clothes would feel too tight, too rough. It didn't matter if he'd felt fine beforehand, his overwhelming stress would correlate with his outfit, making his skin crawl.

His mother insisted he act better.

"What you feel is normal, Red Son. Everyone feels the same way, you need to learn to put up with this."

His mother was right. She had to be. Because if he wasn't normal--

He is normal.

Red Son just needed to grow up. He needed to keep his discomfort to himself. Complaining an crying was useless and only inconvenienced everyone in the end.

Mother was right, she had to be.

Everyone experienced this overwhelming urge to lock themselves away, playing music to wash away the itch beneath their skins.

He was normal. Perfectly normal, just as his mother insisted.

There was nothing wrong.

He was normal.

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