Please, Leave The Fear

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Wukong knew how life tended to move for most people. They deny being something until it's too late.

Children wish to grow up, and to no longer be young until they reach their next stage of life.

A teenager refuses to be a child, always striving for more. Wukong knew well how that had ended for him, showing clearly that he wasn't truly grown.

And finally, a person is truly old until their bodies slow down and crash that they truly admit they are old.

Sun Wukong did not wish to eventually crash and pass on.

He denied the thoughts, nausea and panic seizing his heart whenever he thought about mortality. It was a silly fear, everyone passed on at some point. Even immortals aren't completely safe from death's hands.

Maybe that's why he gained multiple immunities to passing on, then.

But the whispers continued, reminding him of how sick people wasted away. About how accidents suddenly crumbled a person into a distant memory. And how old age promised a swift ending without hesitation.

Fear would seize him, raw and feral. It tore into him, taking the king's breath and promising an abrupt ending.

Wukong once joked that he would never have the guts to end himself, no matter his misery.

"I'm a coward, bud. Just tell me I'm dying and I'll spontaniously combust from panic before flatlining!"

Morbid. But it was the best way to describe his intense need to live.

MK hadn't enjoyed his too easy-going words. And Wukong assured him he was fine, even if the small chat of death sent a jolt in his heart.

Sun Wukong was terribly afraid of death.

The thought of rotting away soullessly made him crumble into tears and tremblings words, unable to soothe his wild heart.

Maybe one day it'll get better.

Years went by, and the fear never left. Wukong simply shoved away any thoughts of death.

Maybe one day it'll get better.

Wukong exhaled, swallowing thickly as he thought of his successor's mortality.

Maybe one day it'll get better.

He remembered the deaths he'd brought, red staining him forever. Disgust buried itself into his head.

Maybe one day...

Maybe it'll...



Sun Wukong did not like the morbid existence of death.

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