Chapter 22: The Finalists Announced!

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Now, we see the results of Ren and Quentin vs Kronos and Darker… This was the fight that was in the arena, for the other fights could not happen simultaneously on the same place, so they had to use other portions of the city for them.

Ren> "It's almost like this was scripted in our favour…"

Quentin> "Let's make the most of it."

Ren> "Right!"

Kronos> "Is that so? Do you perhaps plan to stop us? Or is there something else going on…"

Quentin> "Firstly, let's set the rules of this battlefield."

Quentin had quickly set up an Enchantment, that would be in the radius of the battlefield, and wrote the rules in an ancient language, which read "No reality shall be changed while in this fight". Of course, none of them knew this ancient language, or could read it, so they would have to figure it out for themselves when Darker would try to manipulate reality.

Quentin> "I got rid of the major problem, just cover me, okay Ren?"

Ren> "No problem, I've got you."

Kronos> "Darker, you know what to do."

Darker> "Yuh."

Darker flew behind Ren, and used his explosion magic to explode the ground beneath him, as soon as Ren was aware of the noise, he dodged as best as he could by rolling on the ground to dodge. He still got hit a little by it, but it wasn't as bad, he aimed his pistols at Darker, loading them with lightning bullets, which are both fast and strong bullets. He shot the bullets, and as they flew at Darker, a trail of lighting appeared behind them as they flew, Darker dodged by maneuvering around them in the air. While Darker was occupied dodging these bullets, which Ren mainly used as distraction bullets, Ren took the time to reload his pistol with new bullets. Kronos would take this moment to freeze time and unload the bullets so Darker wouldn't get hit by the attack, as he did so, he also placed himself behind Ren before unfreezing time. Kronos as time unfroze, elbowed Ren brutally into the back, so hardly he even flew back a bit, Darker used this opportunity to predict how far Ren would fly back, and knock him high in the air with his explosion magic. Ren went flying into the air, and Darker catched him by the neck. Ren struggled, as he was trying to get the right bullets out of his pocket, when Darker tried to yank, with his other hand, the pistols out of his hand.

Darker> "Can't use these now."

Kronos> "Don't you find it odd that your friend hasn't done anything to help you?"

Ren spoke while being held by the throat:
Ren> "N-no, I trust Quentin with my life."

Kronos> "Really? All he's been doing is looking at you, and standing there…"

Ren> "T-that's where… you don't see it."

Kronos> "Oh? Really?"

Quentin used a simple method to not get attacked, he made it so Ren could cover for him, so that he could disappear into the background so that psychologically, Kronos would also go for Ren. This made a perfect scenario for Quentin to keep adding more rules with his enchantments. Keep in mind though, Quentin still wanted them to lose, but for it to be a little trickier and not looked so forced. So instead of adding a rule to cancel out Time Manipulation all together, he wrote a new rule in place saying that "time could not be turned back during this fight". To avoid any rewinds of this battle. After this rule was in place, it appeared before them under the other rule in the same ancient language, and Kronos turned his attention to Quentin now.

Kronos> "I suppose I should be paying closer attention to you more than the other one. Well, no matter, omnia causa flunt."
Translation: A Latin phrase that means "Everything happens for a reason".

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