Chapter 24: The Finale of the Games

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August 25th, XXXX, Finale of the Annual Grand Magic Games.

It was the morning before the Final Day of the games, and Richard had a word to speak with Matthew before both him and Fuyumi went off to meet the investigation team / fighting force.

Richard> "Just want to say Matthew."

Matthew> "Yes, cousin?"

Richard> "I don't think you should be doing this… or even approaching Blake. I think all it does is cause you pain."

Matthew> "He's my brother Richard, and he has Catsi, we need to save her!"

Richard> "After this, I think it would be better for you to not see him though. He's dangerous, and clearly he wants nothing to do with you..'"

Matthew> "I mean, that might be true but… I still love him."

Richard> "He won't change, Matthew. As long as he still loves Fiona he will continue to grieve, and it may last for an eternity."

Matthew> "But I want to be there for hi-"

Richard> "That's unrealistic."

Matthew> "..."

Richard> "Please understand, I'm trying to look out for your best interest. You can live with me, your cousin instead. I'll be your family."

Matthew> "I already do live with you considering I'm in your guild and all… but do you really think I should stop after all he has done for me?"

Richard> "You still want to believe who he was in the past. He isn't the same, it's time to move on."

Matthew> "But what if he is the same??"

Richard> "I'm sure I'll prove you wrong."

Matthew> "I don't want to believe it, it won't happen."

Richard> "Alright. We will see, I suppose."

Richard informed Fuyumi and Matthew when they woke up to go to this local coffee shop Quentin spoke of to meet up at. As soon as they both arrived in the coffee shop, everyone was sitting, enjoying a morning coffee, ready to begin.

Quentin> "Good Morning, Matthew, Fuyumi."

Fuyumi> "Good Morning, Aldrich Guild Master."

Matthew> "Morning…"

Matthew definitely wasn't feeling great after that conversation with Richard. He didn't want to accept that it might be true that Blake didn't care about him.

Shashin> "So, do we begin?"

Quentin> "Yes."

Shashin> "Right then, you explain, I'll say my thing after."

Quentin> "The plan is as we stated it was last meeting, nothing has changed. However, we must act naturally first. Meaning, we wait about 5-10 after the finale game begins before taking action. Last night, I spoke to Doron, and they are in on it with us. They will be helping everything get set up for this."

Haruto> "Right so, everyone is still going after the same people and everything, yes?"

Quentin> "Yes, the only change is when we strike. We will have to wait so no suspicion arises for the first 10 minutes of it."

Fuyumi> "One question, how do we know when to go?"

Quentin> "The same signal we did when that day where I activated my ability to disable all magic temporarily."

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