Chapter 34: Secrets Revealed

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August 25th, XXXX, At the Border of the Arctic and Plains...

It was the next day… Blake and Blazera walked on their return journey back to the capital… When they arrived outside the arctic they rested for the night and woke up the next morning to chat before they walked again, at 10am.

August 26th, XXXX, In the Morning...

Blake> "They say, even if you are a sinner through your entire existence, even if you believe in god at your deathbed, you can be sent to heaven. I wonder… if that could be true for me. My father taught me the ways of Christ, so perhaps."

Blazera> "I couldn't tell you the answer, I'm not exactly religious."

Blake> "I know, I'm just pondering and making conversation."

Blazera> "Blake, if you don't mind me asking…"

Blake> "Yes? What is it?"

Blazera> "It's just an observation, and I don't mean to pry, but… where's your mother?"
Blake fell silent for a little, Blazera realized it was a very uncomfortable topic for him, so she started first by trusting him.

Blazera> "I never had a mother, so I do not know what it's like to have the love of one. I've been born from just a father after all."

Blake> "How is that even possible? Unless… you're telling me…"

Blazera> "I'm not exactly your normal human being."

Blake> "Explains why your wounds heal so quickly without any healing magic aid."

Blazera> "I just thought, since you always had your father figure by your side, you can probably relate to being loyal to your father."

Blake> "You'd be correct in that sense… it's truly scary how similar we are."

Blazera> "What's your story then?"

Blake> "I would prefer to hear yours first."

Blazera> "Oh… it's not so complicated. I was born of a father who wanted revenge on my siblings for betraying him. So that's why I was born, but I told my father revenge isn't good, and he chose to listen and love me unconditionally."

Blake> "You say it isn't complicated, but that seems complicated."

Blazera> "I suppose. And your story?"

Blake> "If you think Richard is scum… she's a whole other level, Lilith herself even."

Blazera> "It's that's bad… huh?"

Blake> "She left when I was 10 years old, to god knows where with father's money, all of it. She didn't say why she left, but it's clear she straight up abandoned us, her own blood and family. Ever since that day, I took on the role of being father's best employee, working with him to make it all back so we can live a wealthy life. We built our life from the ground up again. We almost lost Ashworth Farms because of it… and whoever dares to leave and steal from my father, is truly wicked."

Blazera> "It seems we are on a similar boat, at least, in terms of who raised us to be who we are. And you call my story complicated? You should see yours!"

Blake laughed.
Blake> "You have a point there."

Blazera> "I'm sorry you had to go through that all, but it made you the strong person you are today."

Blake> "This journey… has really brought the truth out of us, hasn't it?"

Blazera> "No kidding… I wouldn't just say this to anyone."

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