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Hi! So the next 10 chapters are going to be what MyWonderLand209 wrote not me. I will be doing my own work after words. Also, do you think I should pair Franky and Robin & Zoro and Tashigi? Or Zoro and Robin? Please let me know.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of the characters I have used in my story. I am just a really huge fan.


He seemed to be the only good thing she had seen since moving to this town. The short, messy, ebony hair blowing in the salty cold breeze, coming from the calming sea not too far from here. The sun kissed skin. His long, slender, well toned body. Today he had on a red long-sleeve button down shirt, slightly opened to let the cool air in, as well as the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Long black pants along with sandals. His big owlish eyes where closed as if deep in thought, and his mouth was formed in a small thoughtful smile.

Nami watched him and seemed to be in awe at how he was able to enjoy the simplest of things. She watched him through the window of her small room. The apartment she lived in with her sister was on the third floor of her new apartment-complex, so she could watch him without him noticing. He lived on the fourth floor of the apartment-complex across from her own. It also seemed to be more to the right so it was not right across from hers, which she was happy about. She could watch him without having to worry about being caught.

Nami turned away from the window and let out a small sigh. Nami was wearing a long white tee and dark denim jean shorts. She tucked the loose strand of her short orange hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ear. She stretched out her long legs on her bed, and then brought her knees to her chest resting her chin on them. She looked down at her pale skin, thinking. She wished she could meet him just to know his name at least. She knew nothing about him and yet she watched him as if she knew him forever.

When she had first saw him she had felt envy. He lived in the nicest apartment-complex in the city. He had a mode of transportation aka his shiny red, black, and sliver motorcycle. He also seemed to have a carefree attitude, living like nothing bad could ever happen. He had so much and she had nothing. She and her sister had lost everything back at the place she had called home for seventeen yrs. They had moved here to make a fresh start. They had had little choice in the matter and had to do it to survive.

And yet even though he had so much, Nami would always see him on that incredibly beautiful balcony, looking out towards the sunset. Enjoying the breeze and view that seemed to be ignored by so many others. Taking in the true beauty of it. Now, Nami thought, since he seemed to have money and friends and all that stuff, he would be an arrogant fool. Stuck up like all the other rich kids she had meet throughout her life. Yet just by watching him out in his balcony she knew that he was different. Nobody like that could ever find enjoyment by watching the clouds in the sky or smelling the slightly salty scent of the sea caught on the wind. Yes, she knew he was different. And just by watching him she felt like she knew so much already.

She still wished to meet him though. Get to know the real him. Find out what he thinks about all the time out there. Or at least figure out his name. She gets tired of thinking of him as the balcony boy. Or how her sister puts it her balcony boy.

But she'll just have to wait and see if fate will really let them meet. The future is always full of surprises after all. But hopefully, unlike all the others she has gone through, this surprise will be a good one.

Her Balcony BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora