Chapter 2

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Next 12 chapters are MyWonderLand209 Also, do you think I should pair Franky and Robin & Zoro and Tashigi? Or Zoro and Robin? Please let me know
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece I am just a fan


Nami couldn't believe what it said. She had to reread it just to make sure her mind wasen't playing tricks on her. After she reread it a third time she looked up. A huge smile plastered on her face. The feeling of happiness came rushing back ten times as strong. The feeling was incredibly intoxicating. She jumped up and out of her seat. Then ran to her sister, traping her in a big hug.

"Thank you...Thank you...Thank you!" she screamed, tears bunching up in her eyes.

"What are you thanking me for...your the one that did all the work!" said Nojiko with a laugh. She was trying to untangle herself from her little sister's arms but found it almost impossible.

Nami, getting the hint from the tucks and pulls, let her sister go. She started to wipe away a few tears that had fallen. Nojiko gave her little sister a warm smile, happy to see tears of joy rather than tears of sadness.

"But your the one that sent it in for me..." said Nami "I wouldn't of had the courage to do it please just accept my thanks...okay."

"Well then your welcome." said Nojiko smile still planted on her face. "And maybe you should call Genzo and tell him the good news."

"Yea...I'll do that!" yelled Nami to her sister already down the hall; her voice full of excitement and joy as she walked to her room to make the call.

Nami placed the phone back on her bed. Her talk with Genzo had lifted her spirits even more. She had been able to hear the pride in his voice as he spoke. But there were more then a few times that she could hear sadness too. Especailly when he said, 'Your mother would be so proud.'That statment had brought the tears back to her eyes.

She sighed and turned her head towards the window. He wasen't there. It was strange, looking at him had almost become a habit. When ever she would feel sad that was what she would do. She stared out for a few more minutes until her sister's voice broke the silence.

"Staring out at your balcony boy, again?" Nami turned towards the voice. Nojiko had her back resting on the frame of door, her arms and legs crossed. She was looking towards her baby sister, a slight smirk on her face. Her eyebrow was arched as if in question, but her eyes held a knowing look. "You know that could be considered stalking."

Nami turned her head away. A red tinge stained her cheeks. "I'm not stalking..." she blurted out, having not found a better comeback then that.

Nojiko's smirk widened as her face took on an amused expression. "Yea your right..." she said "...stalkers have at least met their victims."

Nami glared at her sister having heard the emphasis on the word victims. Her glare seemed to darken as she took in her sister's smirk.

Nojiko took the hint, having felt the dark aura that seemed to surround her sister. She gave out a small chuckle as she left.

Nami glanced out her window again. He still wasen't there. She couldn't help the thought that seemed to enter her mind. 'I wonder if he goes to Grandline academy too.' She let out a girlish giggle as she let herself fall down on her bed. Her pillow feeling soft around her face. 'All well...' she thought ' ...I guess we'll have to wait and see.' The smile widening on her face. The next thought seemed to come out of nowhere. 'I wonder what he's doing.'

He looked up at his white ceiling. He had been awake for about an hour, but still didn't seem to want to get up. He looked at the clock on his nightstand. 10:30 a.m. it read. 'All well...' he thought '...I'm not going back to sleep.' He sat up glancing around his room. He took in the shape of a doozing German Sheperd sleeping on the rug in the middle of his room.

He smiled as he tried to quietly get up, as to not disturb the sleeping dog. His attempts were futile, as he suddenly sneezed out of nowhere. The dog's ears automatically perked up to the sudden noise. In what seemed like ten seconds the dog got up and ran to his master. Already at his side before the second foot touched the ground.

The raven-haired boy patted the dog on his head. He then glanced out the window. "Hmmm?" he asked aloud, "Is someone thinking of me?"

Her Balcony BoyWhere stories live. Discover now