3_ arguments in the library

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The library has always been one of my favorite places at Hogwarts. The way the sunlight makes the books glow, the peace I find in words of a book.

It's a place where you can pretend that your entire future isn't ahead of you, which I've been doing for the past ten minutes.

Padma says a week into the school year is too early to start studying for N.E.W.T.s this much, but if I want a good job in the Ministry, and to rub my grades in Nott's face, then I better start now.

He was extremely aggravating in potions today, making sure to get the best ingredients from the supply closet right when I was about to reach for them.

Of course he made the best potion in class, and Snape made sure to let the world know.

My parents always say to never expect to be first in anything.

"There will always be someone better than you," they say.

"You can never be the best."

Their voices echo in my head in times like these when I am studying.

Why can't I be the best, just once?

I jolt my head up from the hand it was resting on when a book slams onto the table.

When I look up, my eyes meet none other than Nott's.

This bastard is the one stopping me from being top of the class.

"Nott," I glared at him. "Go find another table."

"They're all taken. Besides, your efforts of studying look pathetic," he says smugly as he decides to sit down in the chair across from me.

Maybe if I'm rude enough he'll go away.

"How would you know what helps me study?" I snap.

Zoning out is sometimes just part of the process.

"I know that how you do study isn't very effective, considering you've yet to have a perfect score," he points out.

"The one 100 you got in flying lessons first year does not count," I roll my eyes.

"Oh cara mia, you wish you could fly better than me."

I swear if he calls me 'cara mia' one more time I might just hit him.

"If I can't then how did Ravenclaw beat Slytherin in Quidditch last year?" I say back.

"Obviously the rest of your team is better," he scoffs. "But not nearly as good as mine."

"Better than Crabbe and Goyle, you mean?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Just because they've no presence of a brain doesn't mean they can't play well," he retorts.

"Wow, Nott. I didn't expect you to be thick enough to defend a pair of worms."

"Shhhh!" Madam Pince yells at us from around the corner.

"You better learn when to shut that damn mouth of yours, Dalton," he warns, shooting daggers at me.

"I can't study if you're bothering me," I point out.

"Then go somewhere else," he motions with his hand.

"I was here first," I stand my ground.

"Then deal with it. Stop being such a selfish brat and let other people use the library, too," he says sharply.

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