13th Entry

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I haven't written anything in a long time. Since the Demon Lord is awake, everything has changed. First off, I don't know when I'll be able to write again, I'm just so busy and tired all the time. And second, I think I will need to head to the northeast pretty soon. If the Demon Lord is hiding in the Sky Domain like he did before, its easiest for him to just rain down miasma on the town in the northeast to start. That was what he did last time too, probably mostly to check the limit or range of his abilities.

Then again, does he need to do that? He should already know. Maybe he's just wandering around, seeing what has changed in the last eight hundred years.

As for me... well, Navar came to apologize for his stance on civilians. He said he didn't understand terror until the day the Demon Lord actually appeared. So, I felt a little better about that, but the volunteers who came out to receive direction on how to best use their alignments for fighting increased in number. I don't think its enough to fight the Demon Lord himself though, so I've pivoted my thought process. They will focus on the 'puppets'.

I still don't like that word. He's the Demon Lord because he's using the miasma to possess people, right? They're still people, and Demons are conscious of what they're doing to those people, puppets sound so...

I don't know. It seems wrong. Even if they are being controlled.

I wonder what happened in their world that they came here. I wonder why he wants to place his people inside the humans here and then does nothing with them but fight? If we all stopped attacking one another could we live in peace? Not a chance, I'd say, not when friends and family have been taken over.

What he has done is unforgivable. I can't lose sight of that truth. But why is any of this happening in this world anyway?

I miss home. I got my first notification. Its eight PM on Wednesday. I entered this world on Tuesday afternoon, meaning its been over 52 days.

I really didn't think I would miss home. I didn't last time. But if I return even for a moment just to take a breath of air, how many days would pass? How many more people would be hurt or die?

Isn't it a miracle that I'm even able to live here? We don't even seem to be different from one another, we're all human, we all look the same. We can communicate. We even breathe the same air. Is it made up of the same thing as back in my world? Nitrogen, oxygen, and whatever else? Carbon dioxide? Or are my lungs magically converting whatever is in this air into my air?

I don't know.

I don't know what I'm even writing about now. I'm sorry. I'm tired. Every day I just teach people to fight, and they thank me, and I know that we're all going to just end up killing people that we could save if I could just get these fragments of ruby out of my chest and into the hands of people who could use them. Eloitte took one look at the remaining fragments and said she couldn't do it without risking shattering my bones, or what used to be my bones.

She held a hand to my sternum, and regretfully informed me that, as I thought, it really was fused into my bones. I could only pray that they didn't start to replace them.

For now, I have to stay here, and train all these people, and I have to do it with my normal expression. I can't worry them. If even I'm worried, these people would be terrified. I have to be the person they think I am.

Should I just suggest that we should head straight for the sky domain? In the past we built a giant platform for all sixteen of us to stand on, and together we used firepower to blast it into the sky, then jumped off and had our wind specialist use a strong updraft to let us land safely in the sky domain. I couldn't take anyone else up with me if I tried to do that alone. It really did require a lot of energy, and I'm not confident I could break my own fall, jumping onto the sky domain.

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