15th Entry

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Well, I'm back.

What do I even say. I guess Orleris already read everything.

I thought I was writing for the purpose of being read but knowing this was actually all read was...

Really, I talked too much about video games.

What's happened is over though, so nothing I can do about it now. It just makes me overthink what I'm writing.

I'm not sure what to say at this point. His hand was basically turned to dust in the fall. I wasn't sure how we were going to make it to the ground, and if not for him, I don't think I would have survived it either. His other arm is still being treated, but we'll have to wait and see.
I still have barely had a chance to even talk to him. When I woke up, the medical (or healer?) staff only briefly let me see him before whisking me out. I don't blame them, even just a glance at his arm, fractured as if it was made of concrete, was enough to make me feel ill. I haven't even seen the hand everyone is talking about. We made eye contact, then he fell asleep again.
When they sent me back to my old room, I was handed my bag, saying it was in his possession while I was sealed. It had my phone, my diary, my purse and along with it, the rumoured cloak.
Navar told me a bit about it, specifically what had taken so long.

I left it stowed in my bag, for now I'm going to keep wearing Orleris'.

... anyway.

Everyone has asked the same thing- what was it like being sealed?

It was like being a stone. I don't know how else to explain it. I was conscious the whole time, seeing the world, hearing everything around me, but I couldn't do anything.

And yes, it was the same for the Demon Lord.

He talked a lot about what he saw in my world. He talked about how he thought I was pathetic. He told me about how he felt ashamed of being sealed by someone who wasn't living for anything. He said he would have accepted it if he had been overpowered by anyone else, but it was me instead and I didn't even do anything in the world.

He spent fifteen years watching me.

No comment on the last seal stone being attached to my chest for a while. Not going to think too hard about that.

So, what else did I learn? Other than the fact that the Demon Lord extra special hates me?

He thinks that because the goddess of the world gave him the miasma, he had her blessing to use it on the world. And, now that she's gone, he felt that the world was his to use. To be honest, I really didn't want to know anything about his motivations, but he just kept telling me, as if he needed to convince me before he could proceed. Its like he didn't even see anyone here as alive.

Its like he saw the whole world as a game, and he was the main character. But that's not how protagonists are supposed to act, they're not supposed to kill
He asked me about my world's god. I'm not sure what he wanted from me, since I had no way to reply.

I'd never met with a god in any world, not in the way that he had. And, you know, given my experiences fifteen years ago, it was hard to say what I thought about religion in general.
At some point, the bracelet he made with the seal stone connected to his wrist as if it had taken root, same as the necklace had for me. Nothing really changed, but it made me feel relieved that that also meant that he probably hadn't affected me too. But he kept asking me question after question, then pausing as if listening to my silent replies.

He asked if we were going to continue fighting him. He said he knew what had happened in the last eight hundred years in this world too- peace so boring that even the goddess of the world rejected it and abandoned it. Meanwhile, the other exciting outworlders that she had invited weren't doing anything. While he had been sealed, diamond was pretending to be an uninvolved god, and I had gone home. And he didn't even know who the emeralds were for, so clearly, they were doing nothing as well.

"You're all doing nothing. Why are you stopping me? Even if you defeat me, you're no one. What are you going to do? Go back to your equally godforsaken world and just sell boat tickets till you die?

"I have ambition and power. What do you have?"

He was monologuing like a villain, but I was just a crystal, fused to his wrist.

I guess he had used all of his patience up when he was sealed, he would ask a variation of the same set of questions out loud every day.

I learned more about him too. He lived completely alone in his so called sky domain, not inviting a single one of his puppets in. I had previously thought that calling them puppets what disrespectful to the new souls that inhabited them, but it turns out I was wrong. His power, according to himself, was actually making puppets out of people with his miasma. This changes a lot...

The story I had in my head about him was completely wrong. We thought he was some kind of leader of a clan of demons, and that he had been chased out of his homeland, then arrived in this world to use his magic to summon his clan's souls into new bodies to take over our world. But the truth was that was just what the king had told me in the past. I have believed it without thinking too much about it because everything about him seemed to line up.

Instead, he was just like me. The Goddess had opened up four invitations to guests of other worlds, and he had happened on one of them. When he entered the world, she blessed him with the gift of a magic of his own and granted him a wish. He used that wish to obtain his Miasma, and along with the magic he saw the world as just a place to use it. He didn't value the lives of the people here, and he didn't think what he was doing was wrong because the Goddess had granted him that power.

However, he spoke of the Goddess like they had talked in a conversation, and she had granted him her blessing, the only warning being that the crystals that were a method for the world to seal him, a byproduct of a foreign existence in the world. I had no recollection of the goddess myself, but maybe she just stopped blessing guests in person.

He said he had never killed anyone from this world anyway. He had never hurt anyone directly. All he did was use the magic, the magic their beloved Goddess had gifted him, on the things that existed in her world. It was me that had been murdering them just because he used his miasma.

I'm furious.

What a disgusting person. He didn't think of them as people, and he didn't think that what he was doing to people with miasma wasn't equivalent of death, or a death sentence.

"Don't forget, you're the one that sealed me, not those things that were here already. This world didn't reject me, you did. The Goddess gave me the right to do what I wanted." I thought I had a problem with seeing this world as real with how I kept relating this to games. He was the one who thought this world was full of NPCs.

It's a bit late but after thinking about it for a while, I do have an answer for him. If he thought that power was permission, then the Goddess granting me power was also permission. He may not have ever really been a Demon or Lord in any sense of the words, but he is the enemy of this world. Without any rubies, the best way to end this final boss's reign of terror is to take away that power.

But... you know, if I look back at what I've written I can't deny what he said. I was also just making this out to be a game. I can't step down now though. I'm going to end it like a protagonist and go home.

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