20. The Cullens

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Just then I heard the front door slamming shut, earlier than I expected.

"Bella! Get your ass in here!"

I scurried into the kitchen, afraid of whatever he was about to do next. What could he be so mad about this time?

"Word in town has it there's a dance next Saturday at your shit-house school," he started, pacing around me as he smacked his police bat against his palm. "And since I can't trust you not to sneak out and go to that fuck-fest..."

Suddenly, a large hand gripped my throat, pushing me into the the wall and knocking my head off of it, pinning me as I fought for air.

"You're staying here." He gritted out, an inch from my face as his grip tightened.

Just as I was seeing spots he released my throat and I crashed to the floor as I gasped for air. Before I had regained my breath, a sharp kick to my ribs had me writhing in pain.

Charlie yanked me by the arm, dragging me to the top of the basement stairs, before throwing me head-first into the darkness.

My vision was cloudy as my eyes struggled in the dark. The click of a light bulb sent light flooding my vision, before the musty basement came into view.

Before I could move out of the way, a kick to the back sent me forwards, cracking my head against the cinder-block wall. I groaned in pain, eyes swimming.

"This is to get any idea of that shit out of your fucking head," he yelled, before dragging my limp body towards the center of the room.

Hit after hit of the bat, he went on screaming at me and destroying my body. I tried to scream, but could only whimper for the the pain and breathlessness.


I was surprised to hear an angel in this darkness.

"Bella, please!"

I twisted on the floor, cold and pain surrounding me as Charlie's beating slowed.

"Bella, wake up, please, please!" The voice pleaded.

Suddenly, I felt two ice cold hands shaking me gently, one moving to hold my cheek.

My eyes shot open and my reflexes kicked in, shoving the hands away and rolling onto the nearby floor. Still terrified, I scooted away another foot, my breaths shallow and quick.

The person froze in the dark, and as my eyes adjusted, I realized it was Edward. He'd stayed, as he said he would.

Thick, heavy tears poured from my eyes as my body was overcome with sobs. I curled into a ball and buried my face in my legs, arms wrapped tightly around them as the memories remained in my head.

Soft hands slowly pulled me from the floor and into his lap, and Edward held my shaking form securely as I cried. He began to rock us, rubbing my arm gently, whispering sweet nothings as he soothed me.

Eventually my tears began to slow, and I realized I didn't know the time. It was definitely still night, but how much later, I was unsure.

I lifted my head, swiping at the tears before laying my head on his chest. His cold fingers brushed against my hot cheeks as he wiped away the rest, and I sighed, finally done with the painful, ugly crying.

"I'm s-sorry," I said, embarrassed to be so weak in front of him. He curled his left hand around my face and held me to him, shushing me as he continued to rock.

"You were whimpering and...oh Bella," He asked after a long moment, his face pained. "Was it a nightmare?"

"Something like that..."

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