chapter 3

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One part is done ......I have convinced Shanaya...... but now what about karan.....

Here comes the most difficult part....

I started telling tales about Shanaya to pique karan's interest.....

But my all efforts went in vain.....because he never pays attention to that

He spends most of the time with Riya....he even doesn't spare his precious time with us ..........then how could I make him  spend time with Shanaya......

Ahhhh I'm done with all thinking ......I'm feeling like my heads gonna explode now......I haven't even put this much efforts in my very own marriage....

There must be some way.......

What to do now.....

Shanaya has been giving me cold stares since then........I tried convincing her to give me some more matter what I say she still doesn't believe me.....

Girl I'm trying.....

15 days have already passed .......I'm out of the ideas now.........

One day

We were lazing around.........

I'm I wanna  go on trip somewhere..... have some fun .....only 3 months are left .....why don't we all go  somewhere far...suraj said ....

Huh. ...trip ......another 15 days would go in vain...... sometime I wish I have another person with me with whom I can ask for suggestions......

Let's go for camping Rajesh suggested....

No....... let's make plans for next month.....dude ....karan scoffed.....

Next month ....why..... Aditya said

Riya is going home.....she won't be able to come....if she knew we made plan without her.....she's gonna kill me...

Come on man next month is impossible for me's my sister's wedding........Rajesh said

After that we won't get time...Aditya said

No r coming.......let's enjoy man...............Rajesh said

You are fucking coming with us.....Karan........stop thinking about any more excuses..... Aditya said

Fine I'm coming........Karan said

Good news ......mission Shanaya is postponed again.....




RIGHT........Shanaya can come with us.....
..... why  didn't i thought of this before.....

Guys I'm thinking..... why don't we invite all our friends......for the camp ..... anyway it's last time let's make it memorable.........and after the cllg let's go on our grp trip ....Riya would definitely make it then ...for that trip...........I said

Whoa.....then it would definitely make our trip memorable....suraj exclaimed.....

Why I didn't thought of this before.......Im gonna invite my crush Rajesh eyes were twinkling

Best idea.............there would plenty of chances for.....Karan get to know about Shanaya........

That evening.......

No I'm not coming .......Shanaya said

My parents are very strict my father has never allowed me to go on any trip and now going out for 7 days is impossible.....he won't allow me to go she said in one breath....

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