Chapter 6

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Minji felt stomach roll over as walked home from school. She was taking her sweet time to even get home because she was so scared. She had taken her 8th grade math finals today and had completely failed it. She should have seen it coming though, because all week instead of studying for her test, she had spent all her time stayed up late with the horse's in the stables. She had recently had gotten a new horse and she wanted to spend all her time with it.

She knew her teacher had called Taehyung to let him know about her poor grade. Last time she got a C in one of her classes, it was hell in the Kim Estate, Minji could have sworn that Taehyung almost hit her but he refrained himself. If it had gotten this bad over a C, she did not want to find out what was gonna happen over an F.

When she arrived at the estate, she swallowed when she saw that in the large drive way Taehyung's car was parked.

Minji's heart rate increased as she entered the house. As soon as one of the maids saw her, she told her that Taehyung was waiting in his office. Right then Minji knew it was coming. She headed to his office where sure enough he was waiting for her with a drink in his hand.

" You wanted to see me?" Minji asked.

Taehyung looked up with hard cold glare, " Yes, come in."

Minji closed the door behind her and said nothing.

" Do you know what university I attended Minji?" Taehyung asked.

Minji nodded, " Harvard."

" And you think I got in by having poor grades?" Taehyung asked raising his voice.


" I just don't understand. Are you stupid!?" Taehyung yelled, " I thought we went over this! You are a Kim! You have certain expectations, but you're just a disappointment."

Minji flinched as he yelled at her and jumped slightly when he slammed his drink on the table.

" I'm sorry, I was just too distracted with the horses."

" And you think I recognized you as my daughter, so you could play with horses!?" Taehyung exclaimed, " You think I would give my bastard child my prestigious last name, so you can give me crap grades like this!?"

Minji hung her head down.

" Your mother would be so ashamed of you right now! But I'll tell you something she is not as ashamed as I am!" Taehyung yelled, " You are such a disappointment. I can't believe I took in!"

Minji felt tears run down her cheeks as Taehyung yelled at her. Everything he was saying hurt so much.

" You won't even say something for yourself!"

" I-I" Minji's voice tremble.

" Just shut up!" Taehyung yelled,
" You're not even worth it."

End of flashback.

" I said you're not even worth it," Hanni repeated a bit more slowly, not because she was trying to be even ruder but because of the look on Minji's face. She could sworn she saw a flash of hurt on her face.

" You're right," Minji said quietly,
" I'm not."

Minji looked down and turned away from Hanni. She didn't say another word, she just walked away from her.

Hanni watched in shock as Minji walked away. What the hell just happened?


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