Chapter 14

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Hanni was sitting in front of the huge vanity mirror given herself the final touch up, she was just about to be done with her makeup. She was wearing a beautiful dress with wedges. Just as Hanni finished up, she heard the door open, and through the mirror she saw Minji walking into the van.

Hanni didn't say a word, she watched as Minji walked over to her and leaned down near her.

"You look so beautiful," Minji whispered in her ear and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Hanni cleared her throat, "Thank you.....I see you're feeling better and you look better too."

Minji hummed in response and nuzzled her face into Hanni's neck.

" t-there something y-you need?" Hanni practically shuttered.

Minji pressed a light kiss on her neck causing Hanni to feel flushed. She lifted her hand and placed a set of keys on the drawer in front of Hanni.

"What are those?" Hanni asked.

"Keys for my Range Rover," Minji said as she pulled away.

"I don't understand."

"Well every year when I organize this specific party, I give all my workers a day off, including Eric, hence he won't be able to drive you to the baby shower," Minji explained.

"Oh," Hanni sighed.

"You do know how to drive right?"
Minji asked.

Hanni nodded.

"Problem solved," Minji said with a daring smile.

"I need to get going," Hanni said as she moved away from Minji.

But Minji followed her, she stayed close to her.

Hanni looked Minji in the eye, "Are you still mad at me?"

Minji seemed a little thrown off, "Mad?"

"You know for what I said to you.....for not believing you," Hanni said.

Minji frowned but said nothing.

"You know, it's clear that we both have very different views on Taehyung and that is something we'll never be able to agree on.....I shouldn't have doubted you or made that snide comment, I'm sorry Minji," Hanni said softly.

Minji's brows furrowed, "You're apologizing?"

There was so much shock and surprise in Minji's voice.

"Even after everything I said to you?"
Minji questioned.

"I just want to apologize," Hanni said,
"It was wrong of me and I'm recognizing my mistakes."

Minji raised an eyebrow, "Did you talk to Emma or someone about this?"

Hanni swallowed, "I might have."

Minji chuckled, "So basically you'll believe other people, just not me."

Hanni huffed, "Can you stop being so dang proud and accept my apology? I feel bad okay and I want you to know that I'm sorry."

"I just didn't expect this from you,"
Minji said honestly.

Hanni pursed her lips, "I have to go to the baby shower, I'll see you tonight okay? Or whenever it is that we see each other."

Without another word Hanni left the room, but not before grabbing the keys.

Minji stood there a little shocked if anything, she never expected that, especially after everything she had said to Hanni. Yes, Hanni had been a bit harsh but she had been cruel to her too.

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