Towards freedom

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The silent clearing was now filled with the metallic sound of clashing blades and agile movements. Arsène Lupine, in Ruby Rose's body, twirled his scythe with grace, while Qrow Branwen, with his sharp sword, retaliated with calculated blows. The shadows of the trees danced around, following the intensity of the battle.

 "You may have combat skills, but Ruby is not just a cog in your game, Arsène." Qrow warned, dodging a sharp blow.

 "Ah, my dear raven, Ruby is just the disguise that will allow me to escape this place. It won't be long before everyone realizes that the real jewel here is me." Arsène replied, her voice mixing Ruby's innocence with Lupin's arrogance.

 The fight continued, each movement calculated, each attack avoided. The pulsating energy of the forest reflected the tense atmosphere between the two opponents.

 Qrow, noticing Arsène's extraordinary agility, attempted to use his Semblance ability to transform into a raven and create havoc. However, Arsène, with a mysterious smile, lifted a letter from his pocket.

 "Ah, my dear crow, an interesting skill of yours. But what if I have a hidden trump card?" Arsène provoked.

 Before Qrow could react, Arsène threw the letter into the air. An explosion of smoke enveloped the clearing, confusing Qrow's vision. When the smoke cleared, Arsène was gone, leaving nothing behind.

 Ruby's uncle, surprised and frustrated, scanned the area for any sign of Arsène. A distant laugh echoed through the trees, revealing that the skilled thief had escaped once again.

 "You may be skilled, Lupin, but luck will not always be on your side." Qrow muttered to himself, as the clearing returned to silence, with the battle between Qrow and Arsène still far from over.

 a while later

 After escaping the clearing where the battle with Qrow unfolded, Arsène Lupine, in the body of Ruby Rose, quickly slipped through the shadows of the forest until he reached the port of Patch. The heart was still beating fast from the adrenaline of the fight, while Ruby's scythe swayed with Arsène's graceful movement.

 Upon arriving at the port, Arsène noticed a boat anchored, ready to leave. Without hesitation, he climbed aboard, mingling among the passengers preparing for the journey. The objective now was to reach Vale, a city where he could get lost in the crowd and continue his search for freedom.

 The boat slowly set sail, leaving Patch Island behind. Arsène remained on deck, watching the choppy waters and the approaching horizon. The salty coastal wind caressed his face, while Ruby's scythe rested beside him, silent witness to his escape.

 As the boat sailed through the waters, Arsène began to contemplate the events that had led him to this point. The duality between Ruby and Lupine seemed clearer than ever. The weight of the choices he made and the consequences he would face were beginning to unfold before him.

 As Vale loomed on the horizon, Arsène knew the city offered opportunities and challenges. He would need to remain vigilant, keep his true intentions hidden, and continue the careful dance between the Ruby and Arsène personas.

 The sun was beginning to set, dyeing the sky with shades of orange and purple. Arsène remained on deck, his gaze fixed on the uncertain future unfolding before him. In Vale, a new phase of his journey would begin, full of intrigue, challenges and the constant shadow of his past as Arsène Lupine, the greatest thief in the world.

 Final Notes

 Thank you for reading this far, please send me feedback on the story if possible.

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