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A few days after the previous chapter, we can finally see the current state of remnant. The world has been completely devastated, is in ruins and seems to be slowly disappearing.

 The number of survivors in this world is what makes this all more frightening, of all the thousands of life forms that took remnant, only two life forms survived, not even the Grimm managed to escape, much less their queen.

 But, in the center of Beacon, or at least, in the ruins of what had once been the great academy for hunters, a strange phenomenon occurs. A strange portal opens and 3 strange figures emerge from inside it.

 The first one is a girl with long blonde hair with purple eyes, she have big breasts, she is wearing what appear to be welding goggles to hold up her hair, she is wearing a white coat with a loose t-shirt underneath, elegant jeans, shoes brown leather and appears to be wearing some kind of black gloves with traces of threads running through them.

 The second is a cat faun, she has long black hair tied into a ponytail and cat ears showing, yellow feline eyes, she is wearing a kind of kimono adjusted for combat, this outfit consists of the kimono covering the part on top of the body, the lower part is open and is covered by black shorts that were adapted for combat, he is wearing short black boots and carries two swords, a katana and a kodachi.

 The last girl has white hair with a small braid down, she has white eyes with blue details, skin as white as snow, she is wearing the clothes that a soldier would wear, her costume consists of a black t-shirt with sleeves shorts, camouflage pants, black leather boots, a dark green beret with the Vale symbol and carrying a large mechanical shield.

 Even though you don't recognize it at first, the girls look a lot like Yang, Blake and Weiss, respectively, even if there are some differences.

 "Is this here? Are you sure that bastard is here?" The girl who looks like Weiss asks the girl who looks like Yang.

 "Absolutely sure, the energy it releases is radiating throughout the area." The girl who looks like Yang responds as she picks up a strange device that shows traces of energy.

 Suddenly, something catches the attention of the girl who looks like Blake, by reflex, she pulls out her katana and cuts a bullet that was about to hit the girl who looks like Yang.

 "Shooter, WE NEED COVER!" The girl who looks like Blake screams and then the girl who looks like Weiss raises her shield to protect her and her companions.

 Then they run into the ruins of Beacon, where the shooter can't see them thanks to the walls, or what's left of them.

 Meanwhile, we can see the shooter, he is at the top of Ozpin's tower, he is wearing a sleeveless, torn and dirty red coat, a dirty white shirt, dirty black pants, worn out red sneakers and a characteristic black mask.

 After losing sight of the girls, he removes the fire dust package from his scythe, thereby hiding the compartment with the rifle barrel. He sits down and starts looking at the red sky, as if expecting something to fall from above.

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