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Eddie's POV

I don't even remember when we fell back asleep. We stayed up a bit longer talking about just random shit. It was the best. I don't usually talk that long with girls. The girlfriends I did have always ended up being boring or only talking about what they were interested in. Not Sam, we had actual conversations. She let me go on about D&D without complaining or looking at me like I was a loser too. She asked questions as if she was actually interested, as if it actually matters to her why and how much I like it.

As I look at her sleeping peacefully, I almost regret suggesting we wait to have sex. She's not going to make it easy, I already know that. It's a big step for her though, all of this is. She was right last night, if she wasn't trying, didn't want this, she would have kicked me out. It's only been a day and I already can't get enough of her. I like her so fucking much.

Slow down, Munson. Date today and go from there.

I get up and cautiously open the door.
Everyone is gone and I let out a small sigh of relief. I use the bathroom and am suddenly very aware of my morning breath and smell of sweat as I wash my hands.

There's got to be something in here.

I dig through the little drawers and under the sink.

Well, I'll need to replace the unopened toothbrush I found and I smell like vanilla and... What is that? Sandalwood and leather?
I definitely used too much of whatever this perfume is. Shit.

I grab a washcloth and wet it, trying to get rid of a little bit of the perfume.

"Everything ok in there?" I hear Sam ask as she knocks lightly.

"Uh, yeah. Just a second."

I start to rub at my skin a little quicker, slightly embarrassed.

"Are you using the toilet?" She asks.


"Well, can I come in then?"

"I guess." I answer and quickly throw the washcloth in the small hamper.

"Shower?" She asks as she comes in completely naked.

"Uh, yeah." I answer as she grabs her toothbrush.

I can't look away from her.

"You walk around naked a lot?" I ask, trying not to stare but fuck me, I can't not.

"There's no one else here. Why would I get dressed just to take a shower?" She asks and starts brushing her teeth.

I nod and turn the water on, waiting for it to warm up a little while I try not to stare again.

"You used too much." She says with a smile when she's done and leans in for a kiss.

"I, uh. I smelled like sweat and lube."

"Well, now you smell like my mom and lube, which is not very appealing." She says with a laugh. "My stuff is in my room."

"I didn't think it really smelled like you." I reply, still feeling a little embarrassed.

"Let's get it off of you." She says and steps in the shower.

She's in a good mood. She keeps laughing as I jerk away from her hand trying to slap or squeeze my ass while I try to scrub. I finally grab her and hold her in a tight hug, getting the soap all over her body too.

"Mm. You sure about that no sex thing?" She asks as she rubs against my hard cock.

I knew she wasn't going to make this easy.

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