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On Draymond Green's podcast, the host delved into the defensive prowess of the Lakers, asking Y/n about the team's impressive 101.9 points per game allowed.

Y/n responded, "Definitely, defense is a collective effort, and I'm proud of what we've accomplished.

Holding opponents to that kind of scoring average requires everyone to buy into the system, and I think it's a testament to our commitment on that end of the floor."

Draymond, never one to shy away from bold questions, then brought up the Defensive Player of the Year (DPOY) award, asking Y/n if he felt overlooked, considering the Lakers' defensive success.

Y/n chuckled, "Well, you know, Draymond, individual awards are great, but my focus has always been on team success.

Winning championships is the ultimate goal, and if that means someone else gets the individual accolades, so be it. I've been fortunate to win the DPOY twice already, and I'll trade that for another ring any day."

Draymond, sensing there might be more to the story, pressed further. "Do you feel like winning it twice might've worked against you this time around?"

Y/n pondered the question, "It's hard to say. Voters have their criteria, and there are always new challenges each season.

Maybe there's a perception of spreading the recognition around, and I get that. But like I said, I'm not losing sleep over it. My focus is on the team and what we can achieve together."

Draymond, never one to shy away from addressing controversial moments, steered the conversation towards the unforgettable 2022 Western Conference Finals Game 6.

"Y/n, let's talk about that iconic Game 6 against us," Draymond began, a knowing glint in his eyes. "The tension, the missed foul call, the buzzer-beater—what was going through your mind during those crucial moments?"

Y/n took a deep breath, acknowledging the significance of the game. "Man, that was a rollercoaster of emotions. You know how intense those playoff moments are.

The missed foul call, it's part of the game, even if it was a tough one to swallow. In the end, the shot went in, and we got the win. That's basketball for you."

Draymond, known for his defensive prowess, leaned in with a grin. "Speaking of that missed foul call, do you still have any hard feelings about it?"

Y/n chuckled, a mix of amusement and acknowledgment. "Look, I'm a competitor, and in the heat of the game, emotions run high. It was a physical series, and that moment was just part of the intensity. We can't change what happened, but we can appreciate the drama it added to the narrative."

Draymond nodded, understanding the complexities of playoff basketball. "Fair enough, Y/n. It's always interesting to hear players' perspectives on those defining moments. Anything you'd want to say to the refs now, looking back?"

Y/n grinned, offering a diplomatic response. "Refereeing is a tough job, and decisions happen in a split second. I've had my fair share of calls, both ways. It's all part of the game, and I respect the officials for doing their best out there."

Draymond, ever the provocateur, decided to address the lingering tension between Y/n and Giannis during their podcast conversation.

"Y/n, the fans are curious. Is there any chance you and Giannis will ever bury the hatchet and settle that beef?"

Y/n took a moment to gather his thoughts, the rivalry with Giannis evident in his expression. "Honestly, Draymond, I don't see that happening. We're both competitive, and sometimes things get heated on the court. It's just the nature of the game. Off the court, we may not be best friends, but I respect him as a player."

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