Having Our Way

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As Jenna walked through the door, the weight of the recent events in the world of Scream 7 was evident in her demeanor.

Y/n, attentive to her mood, looked up from playing with Y/n junior, concern etched on his face.

Y/n: (noticing Jenna's expression) Everything okay, babe?

Jenna: (sighing) No, it's not. They fired Melissa.

Y/n: (surprised) What? Why?

Jenna: (shaking her head) Apparently, 'cultural' differences. I can't believe they let her go.

Y/n: (supportive) That's tough. She was a key part of the cast. What are you thinking?

Jenna: (determined) I quit, Y/n. I can't be part of a project that would let go of someone like her. It's just not right.

Y/n: (nodding) I understand. Your principles matter more than any project.

Jenna: (smiling) Thanks for understanding, love. I just need to focus on what feels right for us and Y/n junior.

Y/n: (supportive) Whatever you decide, I'm with you. Family comes first.

As Jenna made the decision to prioritize her values and the well-being of their family, Y/n provided the unwavering support that had defined their journey together.

The following day, as Y/n prepared for his next game and tended to Y/n junior with James, his phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, he noticed it was the Lakers' front office. Answering the call, he listened intently to the news they had to share.

Front Office: Y/n, we've been considering some changes, especially after recent events. We wanted to let you know that we've worked out a trade.

Y/n: (curious) A trade? What's the deal?

Front Office: We've managed to trade Darvin Ham for Quin Snyder, the head coach of the Atlanta Hawks.

Excited about the upcoming game against the Pistons in Detroit, Y/n approached Jenna with a proposition.

Y/n: Hey, babe, what do you think about you and Y/n junior coming with me to the game tonight? It's in Detroit, and I'd love to have you both there.

Jenna: (smiling) That sounds like a fun idea! I'm up for it, and I'm sure Y/n junior would enjoy the experience.

Y/n, with a grin on his face, picked up Y/n junior and held him close.

Y/n: What do you say, little champ? Ready to cheer for Daddy at the game?

Y/n junior, in his own adorable way, gurgled and reached out towards the Lakers cap Y/n was wearing.

Jenna: (laughing) Looks like he's all in! We'll be there to cheer you on.

Y/n: Babe, I'm really frustrated about the last game, and I want to make it up in the next two. Bet the overs on my parlays; I'm feeling extra motivated.

Jenna, understanding Y/n's determination, nodded in agreement and placed the bets as a show of support. The next games promised a redemption opportunity for Y/n and the Lakers.

As they prepared to head to the game together, the prospect of having his family in the stands brought extra fuel and joy for Y/n.

@WatchMeCook: Feeling the revenge game vibes strong! If you want free money, bet the over on my parlays for this game and the next. 🔥🏀 #WatchMeCook #EasyMoney

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