World of life and supernaturals

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Author's note: {Hello readers 😌 I'm Divinity, but you may call me Luni as a nickname.  Fair warning certain parts of the story will have different time frames so I'll let you know so it's not confusing. Also a mini side note that this story does involve adultery, vulgar language and gore. So if you don't like those please don't read on. Do criticize me to help me better improve on writing. If I have any mispellings, Grammar errors or mostly punctuation errors don't be shy to comment and leave me examples. I appreciate you all and I'll do my best to update on a regular basis. You can continue on.}

Makisaka Pov~

People always told me, when I was younger that people with supernatural beings started being born out of nowhere. Like magic or something, it's that I don't believe in magic or anything but I find it strange. Why are they suddenly appearing, is this to be an early stage of the apocalypse or something? I honestly hope not. I sat on the subway train on my way to school. I am at least 14 years old, yes my parents trusted me enough to go alone on a subway train. As long as I give a text saying, hey mom I'm fine, I should be fine. Looking around the train seeing loads of people crammed into a cart is kinda normal to me. Most citizens  are just on they're way to work or school or mainly just riding for the hell of it.

I honestly seen my fair share of people with supernatural powers and all but mom always said is to be careful around those kinds of people or I could get hurt more so killed. I don't like calling them supernatural creatures so I just call them specials. I worn a black school uniform with brown shoes with my green backpack on my back. It seemed to be a rather warm Tuesday to say the least. Most times it would be cold. A loud screeching noise of the subway tires could be heard coming to a stop at another station. I had gotten off the train walking up the stairs to my sudden surprise it was more busier than usually. I started to walk on the sidewalk, making my way through the crowded people.

I checked my phone seeing the time praying that I wasn't late. Unfortunately it was going on 9 meaning my class would be starting soon. "Ah crap I'm late!" I shouted and started running as fast as I could, crossing the street and heading a couple blocks down I could see the school gates. As I rushed onto school campus I could see a guy with orange hair also in school uniform waiting on me. His blue eyes gazed over at me, letting out a, sigh. "Late as usual Makisaka, why am I not surprised. This is the third time this month, If you keep going at it like this you'd be in trouble like last year." My classmate said as we walked into the school heading to our class in A3. "Yeah yeah whatever Kai, it's not my fault I wanted to stay online another hour, that boss had mass loot that you could've gotten too if you'd stayed on." I responded glancing at him as he rolled his eyes.

Kai groaned rubbing the back of his head. "You idiot, I'd told you  that boss would be around for another 15 hours. We could've gotten on after school and we'd still have plenty of time to farm that boss." Kai explained as we started to get into our seats. "Not only that, but how much energy sodas did you drink? 3-4?" He asked as I took out my pencil and book. The reason he asked me that was because I looked exhausted as hell. I didn't have time to even fix my hair before leaving out. "Uhhhh... 6." I laughed nervously and yawned. Kai shook his head and facepalmed. He looked annoyed I can tell. A few minutes later our teacher came inside the classroom placing his suitcase on the desk as he greeted us. "Morning Mr Uzaki." The students greeted back.

Mr Uzaki adjusted his reading glasses and took off his coat jacket revealing his white shirt and blue tie. "Sorry I'm a few minutes late to class, I was in a meeting and had a few problems on my way here but none the less we will begin our class as normal although later on we will be having an assembly after lunch today so there will not be a 6th bell class, so in other words you'll all report back here after lunch." He explained causing all the students to suddenly talk amongst ourselves. I stared at the front of the classroom confused. Well this is new, can't be anything too important right? What could this assembly be about. This better not be another rule about bringing our phones to school.

Soon enough our class has started. Mr. Uzaki decided to give us a pop quiz that obviously nobody likes. Kai nudged me. I shifted my eyes over to him. "Hey Makisaka, try not to fall asleep." He whispered to me as I laughed nervously. "No promises." I said seeing the quiz paper on my desk. It looked like algebra or something. There's no way in hell I'mma finish this not did I study... Why didn't anyone tell me there would be a quiz!? I hated these things. I could hear my teacher tell us to start our quiz. Everyone around me had begun writing.  It was rather quiet in the classroom. I looked at my paper and tried to figure out the equation but to my surprise I'd fallen asleep.

In my dream it was strange. I was in the middle of downtown in the streets. Around me was broken down cars, buildings left to ruin abandoned and broken. The atmosphere felt weird too. I could hear the noises of whispers and jingling as if you had a keychain with a bunch of keys. I looked around my surroundings seeing nobody in sights. Nobody in the streets. I looked at the sky seeing it was blood red. This scared me. "What the hell is going on?... Why is the sky red?" I mumbled. Then again this is a dream. Anything is bound to happen in a dream. I could then hear a voice, a gentle female voice at that.

"When time comes...the sky will become red as blood that bleeds."

I quickly turned around to see nothing. What the hell is going on seriously- this must be what happens when you play too many video games all night you start thinking you're in game.. "Who's there?! Who are you?! Reveal yourself!" I demanded. Sadly nobody approached me. This is one of the weirdest dreams ever! Moments later I heard the same voice again.

"The day will come for all beings that shall stand the unholy trial."

I could hear the echoes of the voice. "unholy trial? What the hell is that?!" I started to get really scared. I just wanted to wake up at that point. I scanned my surroundings to see dark silhouettes of people around me. The shrieks and screaming of utter fear certainly brought chills.

"The lost and innocent, the unfortunate and the damned...the ones who never got a chance to speak their voice...falsely accused and prosecuted...The murdered."

I couldn't understand what the hell she was talking about she just went on talking until I heard a male voice but not a deep voice though.

"The 6 who were chosen to carry out and rule they're own perspective of justice against the guilty sinners shall also punish ones opposed. Soon you all shall see the error or you're ways and will beg for you're lives."

Why can't I wake up?! I started screaming at the top of my lungs but it's as if nobody could hear me at all. Why isn't anyone waking me up?! What is this hellish nightmare!? Soon I heard foot steps coming near me. I turned to my right seeing a girl. Her hair was really long and white. I couldn't see her face because of the hair strands covering her eyes. Her clothes looked weird I couldn't make them out but it looked black.. And raggitty. "Hey, who are you?" I asked. She didn't respond she stood at least 10 feet away from me. It wasn't long until she spoke.

Before you know it, the place you call home shall be destroyed by the overlords of the Divinity. Supernatural people will have they're time to rule and be long as they don't need to be judged by the 6. There will be 3 signs of the great judgement...Which represents 3 different days. The first day, the sky will turn red. The second, the solar eclipse...which will not separate. And the third day..."

The girl would make a long pause in her sentence as I began to grow anxious. "W-wait what? The Divinity? Hold on- 3 days what's the third day?!" I shouted as the girl didn't respond. "ANSWER ME WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING AT?!" I screamed. It was quiet.

"The Catlysm begins..."

The girl replied leaving me horrified. Catlysm? What in God's name is that? I could hear someone calling out to me. Thank god someone was trying to wake me up. "Makisaka! Wake up! Class is over!" Kai yelled. I jumped out of my seat in pure terror and horror on my face. Kai looked at me concerned. I was sweating a lot. I looked around the classroom before saying something. "Kai! What color is the sky?! Red?!" I shouted as he looked out the window. "'s clear blue skies. Dude were you having a nightmare or something?whatever, class is over and we have to go to our next class so let's go." He helped me up off the floor and handed me my bag. I stood there dumbfounded. "B-but the sky was red a-and the solar eclipse.." I stuttered as my friend rolled his eyes. "Again Maki, you had a bad dream now can we go now?" I sighed nodding my head as we headed off to our next class.

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