New bloods

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Akira Pov~

Makisaka was eyeing the two new guys a lot. Well...the whole class were. I looked around the class seeing a few more students in bandages like the ones up front. What happened to them. Did something happen to them on the way here? I noticed sensei Uzaki stood up to speak. I looked in his direction and listened carefully.

"Ok guys, good morning I hope you all remember what we talked about last week these will be the new students joining our class from now on. Yes I know they are late enrollments but honestly let's all just be glad they're here with us today. Now would you two gentlemen like to introduce yourselves like your other buddies did a few moments ago? If not I'll do the introductions if you guys aren't feeling up to it."

Mr Uzaki said looking over at the boys. The black haired one nodded as the white haired one was wiping his eyes a lot which concerned his dark haired friend. I noticed him give his friend a Pat on the back to calm him down. {"Hey don't let them see you cry, they'll just make fun of you. Remember what she said, don't cry and put on a big smile."} The dark haired boy whispered to his friend. The guy with the dark hair and blue eyes started to speak. He cleared his throat.

"My name Is Yato Kirgaya. And I thank you for accepting me to this school." Yato bowed his head. He then looked at his friend who struggled to speak. It was quiet as everyone waited for the other person to introduce himself but it seems he was having a hard time with it. Not too long after another new fellow student stood from his desk who was also bandaged up. "Hey! It's ok you can do it we got your back!" Half of the class turned to the guy who suddenly spoke out. A female also stood up and called out to the white haired boy. "It's ok if you can't do it maybe it's too much for you right now, sensei Uzaki, can you-" The girl was cut off by the Yato's friend.

"That won't be nessesarry my friends...I can speak just fine...I'm just still in shock that's all." He said with a warm serene tone. He then faced the class with a small gentle smile. His eyes looked red like the sunset. "My name is Kazuma Hayato, and it's also a pleasure to be here in this school as well." Kazuma bowed his head. I couldn't help but smile that he finally gotten the courage to speak. "And we're glad to have you here." I said standing up from my desk and also bowing my head. Kazuma and Yato looked at me surprised as if they weren't expecting a welcome.

Mr. Uzaki smiled as he gently patted the boys on their backs and pointed to the assigned seats located right behind me. "Now that the introductions are over with, let's begin our class session. Everyone take out your books and turn to pages 211 where we left off on Friday. The new students will be promptly assigned a book to take home as well. Just give me some time to get you guys situated and caught up If you have questions please wait until after class, for now you can just watch." He explained as he grabbed his chalk and started writing on the chalk board. Makisaka was next to me and turned around to the new guys and started whispering. "So what happened to leg? Did you fall over a rock or something?" He asked as Kai nudged him telling him to shut up and not ask questions. Didn't sensei Uzaki tell us last week not to ask any questions about them?

I looked behind me and saw Kazuma sitting up in his chair. "Sorry about him, he can be rude sometimes but he means no harm really." I said and whispered. Kazuma smiled lightly saying it was alright. Yato sighed putting his hand to his cheek, holding his head up on his desk mumbling. "I can't believe we gotta do more school...wasn't the academy enough? We graduated...." Kazuma put a finger to his own lips making a shooshing sound.

"Shhh...quiet now, let's not disturb others learning. They already greeted us with open arms, let us not make them regret that decision Yato. Weither or not the academy isn't like schools here. So If we must graduate they're way then so be it. Unless you wish for our parents to scold us." Instant dread came over Yato immediately. He nodded at his friend and stayed quiet. The rest of the class we pretty much did our studies.

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