We are the outsiders from afar

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Makisaka Pov~

That was a seriously trippy dream I had in Mr Uzaki's class, well not trippy...more like horrifying. I could still feel my body sweating. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl I saw in my dream. What was she going on about? The chosen 6? Divinity something? Catlysm? Those things clouded my mind all morning long. Kai said I should stop thinking about it and focus on sleeping earlier and not staying up all night playing video games but what does he want me to do? Study? Ok now that just sounds dumb, well to me at least but gaming is something I like to do escape my responsibilities of reality. Even though I don't have a job basically and not much responsibility such as taking out the trash and doing a couple house chores inside. It was around lunch time and me and Kai were sitting at our usual lunch table away from other students because well to me they're a bunch of food stealing jerks.

"So Maki, what was your dream about again? Some freaking apocalyptic nonsense?" He asked raising an eyebrow looking at me while playing with his food. "For the last time yes." I groaned while poking my rice with my fork. "It's weird I know but seriously man, it scared the living crap out of me!" Kai took a bite of his soba and swallowed before commenting. "Yeah no crap, you looked as it you've seen a ghost or something. I mean you were sweating a lot back there." He pointed out as I sighed placing my head on the table. "Yeah but that girl really said something that got my nerves going. Something about the Divinity..." My mind trailed off as Kai looked confused as well. "The what? Ok that better not be from one of those horror games you like to stay up and play if so, you need to stop playing it and play more relaxing games like Pokemon or animal Crossing... Hell Splatoon is an option!" I looked at him squinting my eyes. "Why do I have the feeling you play your little sisters games more than anything right now?" I questioned.

His face became flustered. "Hey those games helped me relax even if Splatoon isn't all that relaxing! Some of us likes to play paint ball with squids and octopuses! Is that so wrong?!" He shouted at me causing me to shake my head in disappointment. "And I thought you would be playing league of overwatch." I mumbled hearing some foot steps coming our way. It was a guy who stood at 5'6 with short navy blue hair and silver eyes. It was another classmate of mine. "Akira what's up!" Kai greeted with a wide grin on his face.

Akira smiled warmly at us as he stood at our table. "Oh hey you two what's going on?" He asked us. "Eh nothing much just us eating lunch and Maki trying to get over his hangover nightmare." Kai bluntly explained as Akira took a seat. "A nightmare? What kind of nightmare?" He asked curiously looking over to my direction. I sighed and soon explained everything that happened in my dream. After Akira and Kai heard my explanation they looked disturbed and uncomfortable. "Well you didn't tell me those parts of the dream, that's down right creepy.." Kai blurted out as I gave a nod. My attention turned towards Akira who was at a lost for words and quietly thinking. "That...sounds...very strange and concerning. But this is a dream we're talking about so anything could happen. But the thing about people with powers...thats the thing that has me worried." He explained looking down at his own tray of food.

Akira was one of the special people with rare abilities but neither me or Kai knew what his powers were. We wouldn't dare to ask him because we weren't even sure if he knew himself. "Anyway enough about the creepy ass dream, what's going on about the assembly today?" Kai asked seeing if Akira knew anything about it. The expression on Akira's face was rather lost and confused. "I have no clue on that matter so we'll have to wait and see after lunch." He stated taking a bite of his slice of pizza. As lunch started to wrap up me and Kai headed back to our homeroom classroom where Mr. Uzaki waited on us. I stared at my teacher as he watched us walk in waiting for everyone to come back. Not all of us came back, some must've went to the bathrooms before coming here. There I was standing at my desk along with Kai. "Where is the rest of the class?"  I questioned as my friend shrugged his shoulders.

The CatlysmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ