The stains of Red and left for dead

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{What's up guys ^^ congratulations on making it to part 4. I'd like to say that Eternal scale will have a update just not at this moment. But I would also like to say that this current time frame is 2 months ago in the past when Yato and his friends are on they're way to japan. Noting that, there will also be gore. Do read at your own risk 😌}

Kazuma Pov~

The darken clouds and the soft white tears of snow belonging to the sky...brings sorrow and depression. I exhaled seeing my own breath from the winter storm. I could hear the screams and cries of the fellow citizens of our village...mourning. I sat on the floor of the boat we were fleeing with. My dear commerade Yato had sat next to me curled up, silently crying. We were currently fleeing from our village due to a traitor among us hidden...having a secret identity. Our clothes were all soaked up from the rain and red due to blood stains. Some blood were ours and others were from the ones we lost and had to leave behind. The most painful thing is to let someone you care about go. I know this all too well.

A few months to a year ago I lost my little sister Eri due to a mysterious murder. The soldiers informed me and my parents that they found her body at the bottom of a cliff, slashed at the throat. Something similar happened to a father of a highly respected clan like mine. The parents had sent their son off to school one morning and didn't come back. He was gone for 3 days and the whole village went to search for him. Most of us didn't sleep until we found his body at a river. The mother was distraught for weeks and didn't eat.

I would personally go to her home and give her some food my mother ordered our made to bake. I even often played my flute just to calm her down. But after her sons death...unfortunately my sister's life ended very short lived as well. She was 8 years going on 9. I'd promise her I would bring the one who'd done this to her to justice and make him suffer. Like she was doing. The head of our village Lord Akakku, likes to believe that the two murders are connected. Apparently before the two murders, rumors say that someone has been getting shinobi assasins to kill anyone who's going to be the new Head clan leader of their clan.

There's several clans in our village, some are known for they're battle experience, craftsmanship, performance, medical arts, and even connections to the other side. For me though, seems that I'm the only child now who's next in line to take my fathers spot as the Hayato clan leader. The one who can speak to the winds. But...apparently I can do more than that. Not only the Hayato clan is known for such a rare thing as being one with nature but my great grandfather was captain of the Villages law enforcement. He was also good with a sword. Supposedly that's how my father became a great swordsman. And then he taught me. I believe that violence isn't always the go to solution to all problems. Why not talk like civil human beings.

I could recall a day that my father wanted to speak to me privately on some special matters. When I was born, I'd Enherited some special powers from my ancestors that I could connect with nature just like my great grandfather and father themselves but something else was special about me. None of my ancestors before me had supernatural abilities. So my parents thought this was a gift, not a curse. Considering this era, was the one that magically gave random people a gift. The thing my father talked to me about was that, some people may although respect me for I am the heir to my clan but since I am the only one who has abilities, that they may also fear me. But he said to not let others fear me, just let them know I'm no threat to them nor society.

I had a feeling that others wouldn't dare look at me strangely since they knew who my father was. Being of high status can has its pros and cons. The pros are being blessed into a family who can do many special things and you two could be caught up into the thrill of following of your ancestors footsteps. The only cons though...that people would look at you negatively because they think you were brought up spoiled and could get whatever you pleased and inherited such a title. Me and at least 2 other friends of mine hated being looked at different because of this. Some of us may have been born different but we just wanted to be normal beings from outside our clans walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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