Chapter 01

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3rd person pov

Out in space, a spaceship was being chased by other spaceships, when suddenly a mothership appeared, which made the other spaceships fly around it to catch the runaway ship.

??: How are we unable to stop a single ship?

The runaway ship suddenly speeds up

??: Target is accelerating! At this rate we'll...

??: Combat level: Orange. Permission to use C armaments. Do not let it get away.

??: Roger!

The ships fires off their weapons which makes contract with the runaway ship, and it becomes non functional. The other ships start surrounding the broken ship.

??: This is as far as you will go.

??: Do you think I will give a time like this?!

The ship regains power and flies upwards.

??: What?!

The ship then warps away.

Scene change

On a planet called earth we are taken to school known as Sainan highschool and can see a specific student with black spikey hair walking through the hallway.

On a planet called earth we are taken to school known as Sainan highschool and can see a specific student with black spikey hair walking through the hallway

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Itsuki pov

I walking through the hallway mind my own business, when I notice Saruyama in the distance, so I decided to walk over to him.

Oh your probably wondering who I am right? Well allow me to introduce myself, my name is Itsuki Hasegawa and I was reincarnated into this world as Xeno Goku. I was found and raised by a woman who is known as Chisato Hasegawa. I've also know of the Yuuki family, since they are our neighbors and that we've interacted with them over the years, my mom and I basically considered part of their family. To the Yuuki siblings, they view my mom as their 2nd mother since she has taken care of them whenever their biological family are out on work.

Itsuki: Hey Saruyama.

He turns arounds and see him, and I noticed that Rito was with him.

Saruyama: Oh hey Itsuki.

??: Huh, Itsuki?

Itsuki: Hey Rito. What you two up too?

Saruyama: Oh you know, just wondering if this idiot will get over his shyness and confess to his crush Sairenji

Rito:*blushes* Will you shut up Saruyama

Itsuki:*chuckles* You never change Rito.

Rito: Hey it's not easy okay.

Itsuki: Only thing I can do for you Rito is cheer you on.

Rito: Yeah thanks.

I then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and check what was going on. It turned out to be a message from my mom.

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