15 1 6

"I love you so much Thomas, you've shown me so many cool things!" They exclaimed "I'm so glad I met you."

"I love you too, I never thought I would actually get to date a human." I replied to the love of my life.

"Thomas?" They asked me.

"Yes my sweet darling, what do you need to tell me?" I ask them in return, slowly I see their eyes welling up with tears. I hope I hadn't done something.

"Thomas, my parents don't know. They aren't really supportive of the trainsexual community." They tells me. Sometimes I wish I was human, then there wouldn't be so many people with issues about our relationship. Often I wish I was a human, then I could give them the biggest hug ever and just let her cry into my shoulder, I wish we could just be there together for hours. Just enjoying each others company. But I can't, I'm not a human and they will never be ready to come out to their parents.

"That's ok darling, I still love you. I just hope that this doesn't mean we have to break up." I say with tears welling up in my own eyes.

"C'mon Thomas let's go forget this convo and go get drunk."

"Alright sure, but I don't want to forget too much." I say referencing the hours beforehand.

*Timeskip to the bar brought to you by my laziness*

"We've arrived, y/n wake up!" I say gently as to not startle them.

"Oh, we have, yeah." They say sleepily.

"You must've had a good sleep, your words aren't wording."

"Haha, yeah. Let's go get Drunk." Y/n exclaims the sleepiness suddenly disappearing.

"Ok darling," I tell her.

*Timeskip brought to you by me not having a clue how to write this*

"Thomas, I'm ready to leave now," They say slurring their words.

"Ok darling would you like to go get burgers?"

"Yes please."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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