1. Burn for my sins

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'Take delight in the lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.'

Pslam 37:4


"As I retire from my pastoral duties, I continue to carry with me the memories of our shared joys, sorrows, and moments of spiritual growth. I am grateful for the privilege of being a part of this community, and I trust that God has wonderful plans in store for each of us." Father Richard clears his throat before continuing.

"With a heart full of joy and in the Lord, I look forward to passing on the duties to my son, Gabriel. While he can't be with us until later, I am confident that this community will continue to grow and flourish under his leadership. Let us move forward with faith, knowing that the same God who has led us thus far will continue to guide our steps. May his grace abound in our lives. And may the love we have shared be a testament to the enduring power of faith and community." An echo of amens sounds from different directions of the room. I roll my eyes as I attempt to cool myself off with the paper fan.

It is the hottest day of the year, and instead of basking in the sun, drinking a Long Island Iced tea, I'm being forced to melt into the church's pew chair while Father Richard drones on about his love for the man upstairs. I shift in my seat, feeling the back of my dress slightly peel off my sticky skin.

I lost touch with my faith years ago, something that makes me stick out like a sore thumb here in the overtly religious town of Pinevale. Which is why during the entirety of the service, not only do I feel the various eyes of prophets and kings boring their stained glass eyes into my burning skin but also the wandering eyes of Pinevale's judgmental residents. All looking at me as if they've seen Jesus rise from the grave himself.

It's been four years since I left, and not on good terms, so for them to see me back here is probably a shock to their conservative systems because anyone that left Pinevale never tended to come back.

I'm taken out of my daze by my grandmother hitting my arm with her own fan.

"Sit up straight, Evangeline," she scolds. I straighten my spine, not realising that I've developed a slouch, but I guess that's what happens when I'm bored to death.

"Before we leave and enjoy the refreshments that have been kindly set up for my departure," he smiles, letting out a small chuckle. "I would like to end with one of my favourite hymns, so if we could all rise," he raises his arms in gesture.

Everyone starts to stand while I stay cemented to my seat, but not for long when she changes her tactic and hits me over the head with her fan, gesturing me to stand.

I groan as I rise, my bones aching from the two hours spent sitting down.

"You know, I don't think God would take too kindly to you hitting one of his children in his house," I say. Her mouth tightens, not responding to my remark as she joins in with the singing.

What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer
What a friend we have in Jesus
What a friend we have in Him

For He knows us and
He holds us in His hands
And His grace is never failing
And His love without an end
What a friend we have in Jesus
What a friend we have in Him

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