Chapter 8 - Trust

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Chapter Song Rec: Starboy by the Weekend


Since not everyone had read the Spider-punk comics, I thought I'd give some backstory so that you all understand what exactly is going on behind the scenes in this story. Norman "Ozzy" Osborne is the President of the US in the comics (because Hobie Brown was originally American), but in this fan fiction I'm making him the mayor of London, England. He is corrupt, and has control of the entire police force, paying off the police captain (your father) to do his dirty work. He also has access to the Venom symbiote, which he used to develop V.E.N.O.M. mech, basically copies of the symbiote, and assigns them to his soldiers. The soldiers that use V.E.N.O.M. mech are called Symbiote Soldiers, and have most of the same powers as the original Venom symbiote. Osborne uses them to implement his dictatorial regime and to keep the city under check.

Hopefully this helps <3


Hobie's POV


"Find me"

That's what you'd told him...but where was he supposed to find you? You told him not to go to your house, and he really didn't know where else you'd be. What exactly where you expecting him to do?

He groaned as he collapsed onto his bed, the aches and pains shocking through his already sore body. Just yesterday he'd talked to you at the shelter, telling you about his plan to defeat the V.E.N.O.M. symbiote army once and for all, and you'd agreed to it, telling him to find you later to explain the plan further. Except he hadn't been able to find you again.

He'd gone back to the shelter this morning, hoping that he'd find you there, but he didn't. Instead, he was sucked into helping with the preparations for the festival tomorrow and once he'd finally left to go search for you again, he'd encountered none other than the Lizard, and was forced to spend a majority of his afternoon fighting him and leaving him for Karl and Riri to come pick up later.

That's what they did with most of the villains they fought. Hobie wouldn't trust the police, most of them being paid off by Oscorp, to properly jail the bad guys terrorizing the city, especially since they were all known to be working with Osborne himself behind the scenes. Instead, he and his gang (excluding Kamala who hated going on long trips) would smuggle the villain out of the city, to places and cities where Osborne had less influence, and they would throw them in a jail or asylum.

It was the easiest way to prevent them from coming back, although it wasn't always a foolproof plan. Most of them would find a way to escape and find Hobie again, dead set on finding and defeating Spider-man (Hobie found it hilarious how obsessed so many villains were with him).

As for the villains the police did catch, most of them escaped by the end of the week. The jails weren't taken care of and criminals tended to be rich, paying off the prison guards to let them out easy.

But it wasn't that simple for the civilians who were tied up in these mishaps. Stealing nothing more than a loaf of bread or a bag of groceries could land you in a jail full of supervillains for weeks. And if you didn't have any money to pay the pigs off, you were stuck there. Most never recovered.

But hey...that's capitalism for you.

Seeded with corruption.

Hobie spread out over his lumpy bed like a starfish, burying his face in the cold sheets.

But it wasn't like he could sleep in. Being Spider-man was a full-time job, so a quick power nap would have to do. Maybe 20, 30 minutes? Should be enough. But before he could set some sort of alarm, he'd already fallen half-asleep. It'd be fine. His body would know when to wake up.

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