Chapter 15 - I Love You

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Chapter Song Rec: Lost in the Fire by the Weekend (omg its so hard to choose chapter songs 😭 my chapters are so chaotic no songs fit them properly istg)


He was pacing the room, hands on his hips as he muttered under his breath. You were sitting across from him, knees hugged to your chest on your bed as you peered at him through nervous eyes. 

He'd been stuck like this for over a half hour, whispering and grumbling to himself, eyes closed as he walked from one wall to another, so many times you weren't sure if he even realized he was doing it anymore.

Your eyes ran down his figure, watching as his chest rapidly rose up and down, as his breathing grew more and more raggedy, more angry. His fists clenched up at his sides, eyes closed even harder as he mumbled to himself.

You'd told him to stay over in the hope that it would calm him down, that he'd open up and tell you where he'd been. But your plan had failed miserably, the way all your plans had been going recently, and now it seemed like he was completely stuck like this. 

It hurt even more that you couldn't see his face, that you couldn't see what he looked like underneath that stupid mask. If you could really see what he was going through, maybe you could comfort him better. Maybe you could help him get through this.

Or maybe you were just being selfish. Maybe you just wanted to see his face because you were obsessed with what he might look like under there. You had to know who he was. It'd been eating up at you inside.

You'd done a fairly good job at hiding it so far, but it was getting harder and harder, day by day, and thinking he was dead for the past few nights had done wonders on your sanity. You had to see what he looked like. Maybe you'd be able to recognize him.

But that was a hope for later. Right now, you had to figure out what was going on with him. Why was he acting like this? Like he wasn't in control of himself, nor his actions? Like he couldn't even remember what had happened that horrible night?

It was scaring you.

You'd never seen him like this before, so angry, so terrified, so confused. He'd always been so lovely, happy, excited, like a puppy would be. Always jumping to see you, to hear you, to hold you. But this was so different than the Hobie you thought you knew.

But that was the thing, wasn't it? You didn't know him. You didn't even know what he looked like.

So how could you trust him?

How could you even trust what he said about not being able to remember what he'd done?


You exhaled quickly, looking up at the masked man standing in front of you, having been abruptly snapped out of your thoughts. "What?" You asked confusedly, voice quivering slightly when he stepped back suddenly.

"I think I figured it out!"

"What do you mean?" You asked, standing up off the bed and approaching him, arms folded over your chest.

"Cletus had t'get that symbiote, Carnage, from somewhere, right?" He asked.


"And I was the one who accidentally let i' escape, right?"

The video footage of the red patch being latched onto Hobie's back flashed through your mind. "Yes...?" You said, still confused.

"Well, tha' means Cletus must've gotten it from me somehow. But...But I didn't meet him before he got it. I hadn't seen him in ages." Hobie leaned against the wall, hand on his forehead as he forced himself to think. Suddenly, he pointed at you. "But you did."

The Punk and His Princess - Hobie Brown x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now