➺Chapter 1

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"Scarlett! Scarlett! Wake up!" I hear faintly as an image of my beloved bestfriend Sunghoon appears sitting right beside me. It felt so real. "WAKE UP!" I heard again but this time, I shot out of my bed to find my mom with her arms crossed.
"Oh my god umaa! Why did u have to do that! I was having a moment with Sunghoon.
My mom paused, turned around and bursted, "You can't be telling me you have been drawing him until you now dream about him?" I kept quiet and got out of bed to head to the bathroom.
"Just because you get good grades and top your class,it doesn't mean u can start wasting time drawing beings that don't even exist," she added but I didn't say heard a word as if I hadn't heard a thing.

I took a good warm shower, did my dental and skin care, blow-dried my hair to make it appear soft and fluffy and finally got ready in my uniform. "Oh shoot! I'm gonna late, bye mum!" I said as a patted my face with bb cream and blush and abit of mascara and lip tint to bring out my pretty European and Korean features.
"Wait! Take this with you!" my mum said handing two little lunch containers.

"What's all this lunch uma?" I asked with a confused look on my face. "You have one and give the other one to my friend's son, Daniel," she explained," he will be a new studant at your school. Make sure to tell him Aunt Yun-hye is the one who made it for him!" I quickly slipped it into my bag and left the door in hurry even though I had so many questions about who this Daniel was and why he had a non-korean name like mine. But for then, I just had to worry about getting to school without finding myself late in the teacher's office and her continuously ranting to me about how a smart and pretty girl like me shouldn't be becoming late to school.

At 7:59 am, I found myself safe and sound at the school compound and relieved, only until I heard the gate guard shout, "Hey you! Come back here!"

"Oh no," I thought as the first action to take in mind was run my way into the school and straight to my class. I ended up running with the guard; following me all the way up to my class floor until we passed the principal's office.
"Security gaurd Dong and Scarlett, may you come into my office?" the principal, Mr. Min, said as we both turned around in embarrassment and entered the office to find a women and man sitting with the principal and young boy along with them. His back was facing me but I had a feeling he was the Daniel mum was talking about earlier that morning.

"May I ask why you both are running in the school corridors," he said slowely turning his head towards me without an innocent smile yet a mischievous one.
"Sir, as I was peacefully walking to class, this gaurd deceided to chase after me without any reason," I said confidently as the guard looked facing down in guilt and sorry. The principal slowely walked towards the gaurd and tilted his head to whisper into the guard's ear, "You have just put yourself in trouble with involving yourself with the CEO of the biggest food companies daughter, don't ever think of trying that again".
The gaurd looked traumatized; he took a quick look at me to find me giving him a death stare. He bowed down to both of us and left with a blink of an eye.
"I am sorry for such inconvience Scarlett," principal Min said looking sorry.

"Is that little Scarlett?" the man behind us asked with a big smile on his face.
"Oh yes, this is the CEO of Malmart's daughter, the principal replied.
"Ohhh, how beautiful and grown up you have become, Scarlett!" the man then said, "I am your father's business partner, the CEO of Gofoods." He got up from his chair to greet me and so did the woman (who I assumed was his wife).
"Well, it's so lovely to see Scarlett and Daniel become classmates," the principal said.
"Daniel? Did I just hear Daniel?" I thought as Daniel slowely got up from his chair and slowely turned around. That was the moment I felt my heart pump aggressively. His hair was pitch black and with one end being fluffier than the other. His eyebrows were perfectly thinned
out and symetrical and were his eyes. His eyes were those of an angels with dark blue colour like the calm ocean at the middle of the night. And to top everything off, he had a small beauty spot on his right cheek which was on his fair and very glowy skin.He looked just my beloved bestfriend, Sunghoon.

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