➺Chapter 4

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It wasn't my lucky day after all. I stared at the screen for a hot minute, reading the article over and over again and trying to process the actual fuck I was laying my eyes on.

Suddenly, my mind went blank until the only thing I thought of was to burst. Burst out of complete anger.
"What are you guys looking at...GET BACK TO YOUR SEATS!!" I burst out screaming while my eyes slowely got teary, my body shaking violently, and breathing heavily.

People continued to glare and whisper amongst eachother. I WAS DOOMED.
The only thing that came to my mind at that very moment was to run out of the class.
So I did, as people watched me from their classes and the corridor run.
I sprinted outsides and headed to the basement where the broken gate out of the school was located near.

I was luckly able to escape without anyone seeing. I started to walk aimlessly until I reached a bus stop. I sat at the bus stop and hopped onto a random bus with no destination, no motivation and no purpose of life at that point.

An hour after questioning my life existence, the bus driver came up to me saying, "Ma'am, this is the last destination, you better get going now".
I quietly got and left with my bag without saying a word after I had decided to walk home instead of ordering a cab.

Suddenly, a message popped up on my phone lock screen
At first, I assumed it was some kinda threat and left it alone until another nofication popped up.

Suddenly, a message popped up on my phone lock screen At first, I assumed it was some kinda threat and left it alone until another nofication popped up

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As curious as I am, I couldn't just ignore it and decided to reply to it.

Who r u??
And what do u want?

It didn't take long for a response and the convo just kept on going.

Don't worry about that bbg. I'm here as your savior

Nah I'm good

Cmon, you are already in a bad situation. I can help u by being your R.V Master

What's that?

R.V abbreviated for Revenge Master

Yeah alright.
Goodbye :/

As I was about to slip my phone back into my pocket, another message from them popped up again.


Wait! Why doge a once in a lifetime opportunity like that!
Aren't you worried about your crushed reputation?
Don't you have that desire to take down those who you have had enough of?
Don't you wanna take revenge? Think about it.

Before I could give my responds, those questions repeated themselves in my head over and over in my head. After all, he wasn't lying at all. I was probably in need of this opportunity but don't even realize it.

Tell me, what do I do?

anonymindx: First clue: You see me in grass dresses in yellow gay; next, I am in dainty white, then I fly away. What am I and where am I found?

I stared at the text message thinking about how on earth I was going to find the answer to the riddle at ten o'clock at night with ablank mind. The first thing I could think was my cozy warm bed; so I didn't hesitate to put my phone in my pocket and make my way home asap.

After a while of walking, I realised my home wasn't far and found myself at the front porche in only fifteen minutes.
"Umaa! I'm finally home!!" I said upon entering the house.
I found my mother not sitting on the sofa like she usually does when I get home.
"She's probably in bed" I said to myself trying not to get scared. I went up to my mother room just for her not to be there, again.
"Umaa! Where are you? You're kinda scaring me, you know," I said in a shivery voice.

Suddenly, I could hear footsteps coming towards me from the kitchen. My heart couldn't help but beat wildly as if I was in a horror scene of a movie.
The footsteps just kept on getting closer and closer while I held tightly to my bag, ready to defend myself, or more like put myself into more danger.

As soon as the perosn came out of the kitchen, I didn't think twice and threw my bag at them in within a millisecond while closing my eyes.

"Ahh! Scarlett?! What on earth was that for?!" the person said covering their face with their hands. It sounded like my mum. Actually, it was my mum. Shoot.

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