"On The Road To Chunin"

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Shobukai makes his way back home, "Such high level genjutsu at 12 years old, this level of proudness reminds me of when Hotaru subdued an intruder last year, he entered the village and immediately went to our house, I came as soon as possible, but it was too late she had her Kikaichū beetles feasting on his charkra as he lay unconscious." Shobukai thinks to himself as he enters the bathroom, Shobukai begins to take his jacket off, but here's someone walking toward the bathroom door, "Honey...there was a boy here." Hotaru's mother says, "Huh, what are you talking about Kazue?" Shobukai asks as Kazue hugs him from behind, "I heard some conversation going on from the roof, I heard Hotaru and a boy." Kazue says as Shobukai begins to snarl, "Oh don't be like that, who knows maybe she found her own little Sho Sho." Kazue says as she giggles, "31 years of you knowing me and you're still calling me that." Shobukai says as he begins to take his shirt off, but Kazue decides to do it for him, "It was actually kinda cute, I think this was his first time meeting a Hyuga, he told her that her eyes were beautiful." Kazue says as Shobukai turns around, "Beautiful huh, that young man is right." Shobukai says as he brings his hands down to Kazue's hips, "I wonder, did the boy ever say his name?" Shobukai asks as Kazue presses her head against his chest, "No." Kazue says as she begins to kiss on Shobukai's neck, "No, I have a mission tomorrow, But when I get back." Shobukai says as he begins to walk away, "I can't move." Kazue thinks to herself as she looks on the floor seeing her shadow connected to Shobukai's, "Just like many times before we'll have fun." Shobukai says as he begins to walk to their room to grab his towel, "Release." Shobukai says as he opens the door to their room, Kazue drops to the floor after working up a sweat, Kazue stands up and walks to her room with a grin on her face.

Meanwhile, outside of the village.

"I don't know why I'm attracted to this color so much." Yoshi thinks to himself as he lays on the roof of his house holding up a white circular stone with his right hand, "This color it's so blank, and I still get lost in the object holding this color." Yoshi thinks to himself as he sits up, "But her eyes are more special then this stone." Yoshi says as he transfers chakra from his hand around the stone, Yoshi then tosses the stone towards the river in front of his house, the stone skips across the river 6 times before drilling its way through 4 trees, Yoshi's eyes sparkle, "If that's just a stone and a bit of chakra, her eyes must be real special, analysis done, now for Diamond, tomorrow I will see what type of ninja he is, today showed he's very confident in his offensive arsenal, I hope we see hardship tomorrow so I can see how tough he his, Ninja Tool Prodigy, that sounds too cool to not be true." Yoshi thinks to himself as he walks to the right side of his house, Yoshi jumps off and upon landing pushes off the ground, this sends him backwards through his open window, Yoshi lands on his hands before backflipping to his feet, "What am I wearing tomorrow." Yoshi says as he looks through his closet, "I haven't worn this ever, and this mask too." Yoshi says as he lays his clothes and the mask on his dresser, Yoshi jumps in his bed before quickly passing out.

And at the Lee household.

"Yoshi yoshi yoshi, he got Shobukai sensei in a genjutsu, I don't even think he used his Sharingan once, if he's someone that wants to be Hokage, I'm going to need to level up, I'm behind right now." Diamond says as he repeatedly throws punches at a large rock, Diamond's hands begin to bleed as he continues to punch the rock, "GATE OF OPENING!" Diamond yells as he begins to punch the rock faster, "The Anbu sure are strong, I wonder how we'd match up, I haven't even seen his taijutsu, I don't even know if he can do one on one battles." Diamond says as he begins to punch the rock harder, the rock begins to crush Diamond's hand, "GATE OF HEALING!" Diamond yells as he continues to punch the rock, "How often can I do this, I guess I just have to wait and see." Diamond says as he continues to punch the rock, Diamond begins to break the rock with his fists, "I wonder what type of mission we'll go on tomorrow, it's probably going to be easy...I hope it's not." Diamond says as he causes the rock to crack, "GATE OF LIFE!" Diamond yells as his skin begins to turn red, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" Diamond yells as he throws a right cross at the rock, the rock splits before crumbling into multiple pieces, Diamond falls to his back, his skin goes back to its normal color as he stands up and walks back into the village and sees a girl walking through the village, "Is that." Diamond thinks to himself as he approaches the girl, "Yo, Akane." Diamond says as the girl turns around, "Oh hey Diamond, what happened to you?" Akane asks as Diamond shakes his head, "Just training..." Diamond says before fainting, Akane grabs Diamond and puts his right arm over her shoulders, "Just training huh, how many times am I gonna have to walk you home cause you keep trashing your body?" Akane asks as Diamond opens his eyes, "I promise when I'm Hokage I won't have this problem." Diamond says with a grin.

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