chapter seven

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The rain falls..
Because sky can..
No longer handle it's heavenliness..
Just like tears it falls..
Because heart can..
No longer handle pain..

My mum stands by the window and she breaks down in tears, I didn't want it to end like this, I didn't really want it to end. I never wanted this to happen to me. I never wanted her to feel this pain, she is feeling. Her smile turns into a saddened frown, her eyes turn red and fill with tears. Everyone around her is asking if she is ok. She replies with no and crys even more. She keeps gazing over at my cold body. I'm no longer moving, when suddenly a voice is calling from the distance and runs over to my mum. "Is it true?".
"Yes". My mum starts crying again. Avangelene hugs her and starts to cry as well. Some doctors walk by and give their condonences to my mum.

My mum and Avangelene wait all night by mum bed, even though I'm still laying there dead. Every now and then my mum crys, sweet innocent tears.

Suddenly a beeping sound starts to come from the machine that is still plugged into me. The doctors, come racing in, my mum looks scared. "What's happening?".
"We don't know this shouldn't be happening he was dead".
They start to gather around and one doctor comes in and places a machine onto my chest. It electricuits me and sends an electric current, spinning through my body. My mum watches with hope that I may come back to life. But that's rarely possible, it only happens to some people when a doctor says your dead it 99% of the time means you are dead.

My body begins to jump as the electric current gets stronger as more volts are being sent through my system, my mum watches getting more hope everything I jump. The current is getting stronger the more they put inside me the more I jolt. My mums hope begins to die, Avangelene hugs her as a little bit of hope is slightly lost everytime the current makes me move.

They begin to sit and cry as the hope finally dies. It seems the doctors have given up on me and feel like they shouldn't try no more. The machine isn't working and the electricity is just being wasted on a hopeless body which has no life left in it.

The doctors begin to back away and pack up their stuff, my mother begins to break down and finds the nearest doctor to hold her and to comfort her. Our family has been through a lot and now they have lost me.

The nearest doctor is a tall man with a wide build, he cradles my mum in his arms, and she weeps silently into his shoulder. She looks at him the way she used to look at my dad, before she cheated on him and before he passed away.

Suddenly the machine begins to beep, it shows there's a sign of life again inside my body once again.

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