Chapter 16: Sons of Abraham

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No sooner had Father Adam spoken those words, than Akio found himself with Yoko and the patriarch in another part of Paradise.

This place was like a large covered tent, massive enough to hold a multitude of people. Everywhere he looked, there were men, women, and children milling about, many of them in Middle Eastern dress.

"Where are we?" asked Akio.

"This looks like the bosom of a giant," observed Yoko, having spent much time travelling inside her companion's shirt.

"You are correct, little one," said Father Adam. "Let's go outside."

The patriarch led the two friends outside the 'tent', revealing it to be, in fact, the inside of a man's chest. Akio was amazed, once again, to see the mind-boggling realities of the spiritual world.

"Peace be with you, Abraham my son," greeted the older man, as he, Akio, and Yoko grew to match the 'giant' in stature.

"And upon you be peace, dear father," replied the founder of the Hebrew nation. "Welcome to the Bosom of Abraham, the abode of the House of Israel."

As before, Akio started to bow before his new host, but the latter astonished him by dropping to his knees, taking his right hand and kissing it reverently.

"Are you Akio of the House of Togarmah, the son of Kichijiro and Tetsuko from Hiroshima?" asked Father Abraham.

The little boy nodded, stunned that this biblical celebrity would know his parents and hometown by name.

"My child, I must beg your forgiveness," said the ancient Hebrew solemnly.

"What for, father?" asked Akio in bewilderment. "I don't understand."

"The reason you're here today is because of me," replied Father Abraham. "Two of my sons lit the fire that killed your parents."

Akio's mind flashed back to the fateful day he'd been parted from his father and mother. It seemed like so long ago, like a dream he'd almost forgotten.

"They killed my Father and Mother?" he could only mumble numbly.

"Yes, they did," answered Father Abraham. "Come and see."

Suddenly, they were in a meadow with two men in modern dress. One of them was tall and lean; the other was shorter, with white, frizzy hair.

Although the tall man was the younger of the two, he looked aged and weighed down, as if he were carrying the burden of enormous guilt.

"Albert ..." he croaked, addressing his companion, "we thought we might start a chain reaction that would destroy the entire world ..."

"I remember it well, Robert," replied the older man sombrely. "What of it?"

Robert didn't speak for a few seconds. Finally, with trembling lips, he croaked again. "I believe we did."

"What do they mean?" asked Akio, lacking context to understand their conversation. "Who are these people?"

"These men," explained Father Abraham, "are Hebrew scientists living in the United States of America. Their names are Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer. Some years ago, they convinced the American government to create a weapon that would defeat their enemies quickly."

"Why did they do this, Father Abraham?" asked Yoko curiously.

"There is a nation in Europe called Germany," said Father Abraham. "They are descended from Ashkenaz, a son of Japheth, the son of Noah. About 15 years ago, a wicked man named Adolf Hitler became their king and tried to destroy all of my children, the Hebrews."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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