Random questions-

29 1 1

hi guys! No this isn't a chapter because im losing motivation 😭 but might as well ask questions because I am tired 😭

So.. Would I be a good mom? Here's what I would do


1-4 my phone

5-9 iPad

10-11 phone but only when I'm not there

12-18 iPad phone and laptop



1-10 FUCK NO !

11-12 eh.. Holding hands and hugging only 

13-18 honestly I don't give a flying shit just no sex 

19+ do whatever idc



1-7 none unless you don't  know what your saying 

8-10 only damn and only if your getting kidnapped

11-12 well- only when your getting kidnapped and crap and damn only

13-15 just not at me

16-19+ sure! We can even joke with cussing



1-10 fuck nah

11-12 you can try it just only one sip

13-15 eh.. Just wine coolers On Thanksgiving only

16-19 like I said just wine coolers but you can have them more often 

20-21+ have at! 



1-5 7:00

6-7 8:30

9-12 9:00 on school nights but on weekends 12:00

13-15 10:00 on school nights but on weekends 1:00

16-18: 11:00 on school nights but on weekends 3:00

19+ idc get some sleep at least



1-6 no.

7-9 only after 2 play dates and I have to know the parents

10-12 only if I know the parents

13-15 sure just no lovey dovey

16-18 sure! But I'm watching your

19+ you should be out of my house by then but yeah anyways 



1-6 what you gonna buy?

7-8 5  a week

9-12 20 a week

13-15 30 a week 50 if you babysit

16-18 get a fucking job!

19+ you best have a job



1-8 what party's you gonna go to?

9-12 only birthday or holiday party's

13-15 yeah but not on school nights and no Alcohol!

16-18 eh just be back before 12:00

19+ idc-


So would I be a good mom?

Next question

Should I  make my acc a conjoined acc? My sister wants to join

And next question

will you please give me ideas I'm so out of ideas I used a YouTube/tiktok trend as a question-

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