01 ֶָ֢ Sonder

132 6 25

✎ 𝟭 : 𝟰𝟱 𝗣𝗠

"WHO TOOK ALL OF THE BANANA MILK?!!" You shouted dramatically, wiping fake tears. The whole day you were hyped up and planning to drink some banana milk, but when you came to the vending machine, it's all finished.

Usually no one would buy the banana milk, so sometimes you would buy an extra carton, but this time it's completely finished.

You frowned when you saw a group of boys that looked like delinquents. One of them had puke coloured hair and glasses, another had braids like Annabell, while one of them was from your class and looked like they were high.

They threw away the banana milk box that was obviously still full. They all shared the same disgusted look before laughing and walking off.

"Y/n-chan, I'm sure tomorrow there will be more!" Hinata, your close friend, reassured you. You nodded in response when you both suddenly overheard a group of girls passing by you guys

"No way! That's Rindous number!"

"I'm planning to confess later!"

"I'm so down bad for Rindou!"

You and Hinata blinked repeatedly, slowing turning your heads to look at each other before laughing. "I'M sOooOŒOOŐ dOwN baD fOrr RinDouGhh" You mimicked one of the girls, rolling your eyes, making Hinata laugh.

You both heard a commotion and all the students were surrounding the school noticeboard in the lobby, mostly the girls.

Hinata took you by the hand, "Let's go see what's happening! I'm a bit worried if it's Takemichi getting beaten up again!"

You chuckled at what she said. You've seen Hinata's boyfriend atleast twice or more and you know full well that he's in a gang. You were just glad that he treated Hinata the way she deserves to be treated. You even threatened him when you first met him, that if he does anything to hurt Hinatas feelings, you will pluck off his fingernails one by one and shove it up his ass.

The school lobby was crowded so it was difficult to see what everyone was looking at.

You and Hinata pushed your way to the crowd until you guys were finally at the front.

On the school noticeboard, there were the usual announcements and up-coming events. On the middle part was a large arrow pointing up to a phone number.


𝐻ꫀꪶρ 𝘮ꪗ bɾσtꫝꫀɾ ᧁet ᦓσꪑe ɾ𝘪zȥ

The handwriting was a bit messy but you managed to read it. "Huh?" You said in confusion before looking at Hinata.

An idea immediately popped out of your mind, a grin formed on your lips and you giggled devilishly. Hinata swore she saw horns.

"Y/n-chan, I don't know what you're thinking about, but I know it's something bad.." Hinata said, her sweat dropping and gave you an awkward chuckle.

"I don't want to get banned from a mall again.." She muttered softly under her breath, hoping you didn't hear.

"Hina, since I'm having a sleepover at your house, should I prank call that number?! Let me save it real quick -"

Hinata facepalmed and rubbed her temple while sparkles started to appear in your eyes. She's not even surprised at this point.

"Should I? Should I?" You chanted. The coral hair coloured girl sigh in defeat, nodding, "Fine.."


✎ 𝟭𝟬 : 𝟮𝟬 𝗣𝗠

┃Fun fact : A blue whale's tongue is heavier than an elephant

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