02 ֶָ֢ Drapetomania

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✎ 𝟮 : 𝟭𝟬 𝗣𝗠

In the second last period, anxiety gripped you throughout the day, your right leg incessantly bouncing with nervousness, as you wished for the lesson to end faster.

You were worried that the person who you had prank call last night would actually come to your class and beat up Mitsuya, when you were the cause of this mess.

You looked out the window to distract yourself. No one sit next to you because the teacher had a seat arrangement and said that it was better for you to sit alone, since you were always talking during lessons.

"Group 9, please come and present your slide." Your English teacher called your group, you and your group members then stood up to the front as you gave your pendrive to the teacher.

"Please start." Your English teacher paitently waited for you guys to start, your classmates weren't even paying attention. Some of them were playing UNO, chit-chatting, or throwing paper airplanes.

Behind you was the slideshow on the whiteboard, being shown by the projector. Sanzu was on the left, Mitsuya on the middle, while you were on the right. You were nervous and praying that this will be over soon.

Hinata noticed your nervousness and quickly write down on a piece of paper saying, "I'll buy you banana milk later :)", hoping it would calm you down. You take a deep breath, your legs slightly trembling.

You tried to fill your head with positive thoughts.

"Today, me and my group members will -" Mitsuya was cut off when the door suddenly swung opened, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and see what was going on.

Your turned your head, and your e/c eyes locked with purple downturned eyes staring back at you, only to swiftly glance at the person beside you.

He was the boy from yesterday who threw away the banana milk that was still full. He had a short blonde wavy hair, mixed with blue streaks, the hues harmonizing perfectly. Complemented by a pair of glasses perched on his nose.

It captivated your gaze and you just couldn't take your eyes off him for some reason.

"Rindou?" A voice said from behind and you spotted a tall man, approximately 6 feet tall, with braids braids. His eyes were a striking shade of purple, and he shared similar features with the blonde wavy boy sporting blue streaks beside you. He was dressed in the school uniform, topped with a sweater.

"Aniki, this son of a bitch prank called me last night." The blonde boy cursed, pointing at Mitsuya. Mitsuya raised his eyebrows. It was silent and the only voices were the both of them while everyone just stared at the scene.

"Oh. Then you better teach him a lesson, Rindou. Make sure to come to the cafe later, I want some mont blanc." He said before walking off with his hands on his pockets.

The blonde boy quickly turned his attention, glaring at Mitsuya.

"You." He garbled, heavily breathing echoed in the air as he stood, panting. It seems like he just finished GYM class.

You can see how his sweat was rolling down to his chin, before he grabbed the collar of his own shirt, lift it up slightly, as he wiped the sweats on his face. Since you were standing right next to him, a meter away, it unintentionally revealed a glimpse of his abs.

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