A God, A Child, and the Knowledge Himself Goes to A Camp

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He was 10! He doesn't understand, his father sees him as a child. How could he? Doesn't he see what I've done so far? I-I rescued him, well okay at least I tried okay? C'mon, he's one of the most powerful men alive. His eyes are full of knowledge but I see him in tears. I don't know and I don't care what he has done to acknowledge this much power but he should have understood that I love him so much. You're probably wondering why a child you haven't even met is complaining about his father and wondering my name. Oh, and his name. My name is-

"Atreus! What are you doing there?" Well, here you go. My father told you before me. "I'm coming father." He is a good person and a perfect father. Sometimes I really envy him. I want to be like him. Well, I can agree that he is so rude but he loves me. And he is always rude. It's his nature. But just like I said. He is so powerful and cute. He's my big bear. Oh and forgot to mention, we have two wolves. They're beautiful, a gift from my mother. Let me introduce him.

"Kratos, are we going on a hunt today?" Oh my gosh! Why did everyone cut me today when I was just going to mention my father's name? Alright you heard, he is Kratos, he once was God of War. That's why he is so powerful. I don't know why but he wanted to escape his past and came to Norway. It's cold here. It was Mimir who asked father to go on a hunt. He is the head we found before Fimbulvetr. He is one of the most funny people I've ever seen. Well, I didn't see anyone other than my father, but whatever. We found him in Jotunheim after mother died.

And of course my mother. I don't remember her much. Her name was Faye. I know that she is the most cute and beautiful woman and I was so happy with her. Oh, and she was a rebel. Hahaha, that's why I am so arrogant about some specific things. Every bear has an owl. You are wondering why I described my mother as an owl. Owls are trustworthy, knowledgeable creatures, most of the time they're in peace. But if someone threatens them or their family, the mother owl will immediately become one of the cruelest animals in the world and destroy or at least not stop until the threat is gone. The bear died inside when the owl died. But he promised himself to protect his son for all eternity until the child was ready to fight himself.

But the Three Sisters have a different plan. They were reborn and they understood that killing threats is not the way to make Kratos angry. He killed the Sisters before so he could kill again. Today easily. It was Atreus' birthday. Fates decided to turn Kratos and Mimir into 11-year-old boys with their power, weapons, and knowledge. Just their bodies are children, oh and they will go to Hogwarts. Atreus turned his 11. That night cunning Sisters entered the house and they turned them into little boys. 1000 years old to 11. Kratos woke up. If you look closely you can see that he was angry. He was outraged.

"Mimir, what happened?" He grumbled when he heard himself as a child. "I don't know brother, I am not very sad about it though. Now I have a body."

Atreus woke up. "Hi, who are you guys? At last, father heard my screams and brought me some friends. You know I love him but sometimes he is such an overprotective bear. Don't tell him."

Kratos was shaking inside. An overprotective bear? Really. Mimir was laughing out loud.

"Atreus, it's me, your father. An overprotective bear? Really?"

"Father, how? No, no of course not I meant protective bearded father. I'm in danger right?"

"Not now, and I am not angry. I love you."

"Love you too! Are we good?"

"Yes, we're good."

"You sure?"

"I said yes, Atreus. Now we should find out what happened to us."

Three arrows were shot towards them. Mimir clapped his hands and a magical shield appeared. "I didn't know you could do this, Mimir," said Kratos. "Mimir! Oh fuck I didn't you were that cute and powerful. Sometimes I think about my father's childhood and saw him in beards though so..."

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