My Healed Scars

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Ha...ha...ha I panted running as fast as I could. Anything to get away from that hell hole, I'll just keep running. I stopped to take a breath, I looked at my surroundings. I've been here I running in circles? I began to run again, and I'm back at the same place I started. Oh no...please no.

"We've been waiting for you..." Two people smiled a smile that only the devil could form; it was so perfectly evil I would've believed they were the devil. A few ropes wrapped around my arms and legs slamming me to the ground pulling me back into the house.

"No...NO!!!" I yelled in a blood curdling scream.

I woke up with wide red eyes, gasping like I was held under water for days. I looked at the clock it was 7, I had 25 min to get to school. That's just enough time for me to get out of here. I quietly slipped on a pair of purple skinny jeans and a black tank top with a teddy bear that showed its little broken red heart. I grabbed my backpack and slowly unlocked my bedroom door as I tip toed to the door.

'I can just skip breakfast today' I thought

"Where are you going?" a voice came from the dinning room.

I sighed, 'Oh god, it's awake. Please let me go in one piece' I thought

"Um..sch-school of course." I stuttered trying not to look her in the face.

She grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall, I quickly shut my eyes dropping my bag as I got ready for a smack or anything pain inflicting. I could feel her smirk on me.

"Have a nice day." She said as she slowly released me.

I breathed heavily as my heartbeat sped up, quickly picked up my backpack, ran down the stairs, and out the door. I can't keep living there.

You're probably wondering what my name is, what's going on, and who's the lady that I'm so scared of. Well for starters, my name is Everest Schaffer, and I am a 15 year old sophomore. Here's the story. When I was younger around at age 11 my parents died in a plane crash on their way back from Paraguay. I had been living with my grandmother while they were in Paraguay. When we got the news everyone, including myself, was devastated. This is the part where all of my luck seemed to turn, not to soon my grandmother passed away leaving me under the care of no one. And because of this I was immediately placed under foster care. A young couple by the name of Linda and Carl Rams came to take me in as Everest Rams, but I only agreed as long as I got to keep my last name. I wasn't stupid, and I didn't like the family to begin with. So I've only been living with this family for 4 years, and my life had become a complete hell hole. This isn't the kind of hell whole where your parents don't let you date or go out at night; my hell hole was way deep down past that. Try fearing being whipped or beaten by your own parents every day and night, maybe if your lucky just 3 cigarette presses on your skin a day. Oh no, it doesn't get better what about dreading going to school everyday by the thought of you classmates bullying you verbally and physically because you were seen as an easy target or just a plain old loser? Walking around alone everyday nothing to do and no where to go just minding your own business, and yet everyone just wants to pick on you? Where is the logic in that? And knowing there's no one, not even a nice adult, to help you; it's the worst feeling you could ever experience. I don't even catch the bus any more because that's too painful. I walk to school now, the only time I can get actual peace is the walk to school and back.

I've sadly arrived at my school, North Rivers High. I got here just on time because i heard the bell ring, signalling that 1st pd was about to start. As much as I hated coming here I needed an education. I walked down the halls, it was a bit to silent and it wasn't a comfortable silence.

"Hey Neverest." I began walking a bit faster, maybe if I pretend I didn't hear him he will go away. My heart pounded fast, I felt like I was free falling from the sky...without the parachute. I felt like this everyday.

"HEY!" Trevor shouted at me, he was the school jock who started the school trend of picking on me just to show his strength.

Seems a lot of people go with it just so they don't end up like me. Trevor grabbed my shoulder and slammed me against the locker. "Listen to me when I'm talking to you! You got that?!" He yelled I began to tear,

"I-I didn't h-hear you..." I trailed off as he looked at me.

"Boohoo~ Trevor I didn't hear you! I'm sorry! Don't play dumb" He mocked me

"I'm sorry!" I shouted.

"Shut up slut!" He slapped me straight across the face and hard.

He lifted up my weak body and through me into a nearby storage closet causing me to land on a bunch of tools for cleaning. "

Please, please, please don't hurt me!" I balled my eyes out

"Oh shut up you cry baby. And don't come out until I come back~!" He sang and laughed.

I was too afraid to see if he was still there so I sat for a bit like a coward in the closet. I looked over to my left to see a tall mirror; I slowly lifted up my shirt. Fresh bruises on my back from the lockers, and older ones from belts, scratches, and a wire used by some of the girls at my school. Will this torture ever end? A few minutes passed by and I slowly opened the door figuring Trevor was back in class. He was no where in site so I quickly grabbed my back and ran for the nearest exit out of the school. I ran out of the school and to my local hide out; the public library. No one at my school goes there. There IQs are less than a peanut so they all would never come here. I ran into the bathroom and into the stall like I usually did and cried it out. My life was not getting better nor will it ever, no matter what I do nothing works out. It's not easy to reach into the hearts of the people, everyone is the same and even if you try and succeed they'll just bounce right back to their old selves. I washed off my face and stared into the mirror. My shiny sun kissed golden brown locks were now unpolished wooden brown, and my emerald green eyes were fading into a color of dying grass. My stomach growled, right I haven't eaten anything today. The library was giving out free muffins so I just decided to take one for now. Especially since they are only one per person, I'm gonna follow the rules so I don't get into trouble. A hand landed on my shoulder, I jumped and my heart rate went higher.

"Miss, do you need help finding a book?" A librarian lady asked I stared at the women for a few seconds; she was tall with a slim hour glass figure.

Her hair was to her shoulders, a shiny sleek black color, slightly bent at the ends. She had rich dark chocolate skin and dark gray eyes. She should be a model not working at a library.

"Miss?" She questioned.

"O-oh! No I'm sorry." I snapped out of it, I wasn't in the mood to smile but I did anyway to be polite.

I slowly walked of my favorite section of the library: Fantasy. Yes fantasy. Is it hard to understand? I had many fantasies of what my life would have been like if my parents or grandmother was still alive. Going out to dinner, family movie nights, picnics, being at my award ceremonies if I ever got one, and graduation. I quickly chose my favorite story: Cinderella. It always cheered me up in my time of need. I sat on one of the plush chair and immediately began reading.

"You have been cordially invited to the prince's birthday party..." I was filled with joy causing my heart to beat faster. 

"Princess Everest you're so beautiful." The prince was tall, dark, and handsome with gorgeous brown orbs that bored right into my soul.

He slowly leaned into to kiss me until, "EVEREST!!" I looked at the door; I was now in my Barbie night gown.

Oh I know this scene...

"I am so sorry honey....your parents are no longer here. Nor will they ever come back..." My heart slowed down but now I could hear the slow beat. I began to free fall from the sky.

"Your parents are dead."

"You're staying with a foster family in Alabama."

"Welcome to your new home...Everest." My eyes shot open, I was still in the library but I was deep in the plush seat.

I giggled a little, thank god. I sighed knowing I will probably never have a happy ending like Cinderella. I got up and put the book away. It was now 4:15pm so everyone should be home. I ran to the bus stop and waited. I'm heading to the local candy shop. It's where I work and today is payday. I spend a little and save a little; right now I have $356 saved up. I have a plan to escape but for right now I just have to figure out how to do it. Tonight I'll plan it well, and I'll finally escape from this hell hole.

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