My Healed Scars 5

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The next morning was the first day I woke up in my new room…safe. I sat up and stretched, looking at the door to the balcony. I lifted the covers from my body, got out of bed, and walked towards the balcony. I placed my hand on the doors feeling the smooth glass; I almost forgot how this felt when I wasn’t being tortured with it. I opened up the doors and walked into the bright light leaning on the banister. I took in a deep breath of fresh air then exhaled. I then walked back to my room and glanced over at the clock: 9:05 am. I was leaving to go to the park soon with Luca and my new “sister” Cecilia. Elena laid down a nice ruffled tan skirt with a chiffon white top, a few bracelets, and strappy sandals. I put everything on and left my room. I slowly walked down the hall to the kitchen. I peeked my head around the doorway; why isn’t anyone here? I let out a puff of breath.

“EVEREST!” Someone angrily yelled

“Ahh!!” I screamed and jumped at the same time only to end up curled in a ball to protect myself.

“Ceci don’t scare her like that!” Luca yelled running to help me.

“Hahaha! I’m sorry I couldn’t help it! She can’t be that scared!” The girl laughed as I cried, “Aww poor crybaby!” She continued to laugh


I heard a loud smack and looked up from the ground; Mama had just slapped the girl in the face. You could tell she was upset, she had an arm on her waist and her eyebrows were furrowed with wrinkles on her forehead. As for the girl her face was completely turned sideways with a red hand mark. She looked surprised at mama’s actions.

“If you are a woman, act like one. Do not act like an insensitive man.” Mama said

“…Yes mama, I’m sorry.” The girl said

Mama stared at the girl for a bit longer before turning to me, “Eve honey are you ok?” Mama asked as my lip quivered and my last few tears fled from my eyes.

“Uuuh I’m ok…” I whimpered

Mama caressed my cheek then stood up straight, “Cecilia! Introduce yourself.”

The girl nodded her head and began to speak, “My name is Cecilia, the oldest child and only- well now oldest daughter of the family. I am 18 years old, welcome to the family Everest.” Cecilia smiled, “Also sorry for scaring you like that, I was just trying to play a joke.”

 I stood behind mama but looked at the girl, this family was so tall, I felt like the baby of the family, which I am. Cecilia had to be about 5 foot 11 and mama 5 foot 9, while Luca and papa were 6 feet tall. I was the measly 5 foot 7 of the family. I said nothing to the girl as she laughed nervously.

Luca took my hand and smiled, “Shall we go now?”

“Yes!” I smiled and walked with him earning questioning stares from Cecilia.

*Cecilia’s POV*

I stared at the two as they walked off smiling, talking, and laughing together. It almost seemed as if Luca was a whole new person, and Eve was definitely comfortable around him.

“Mama…I’ve never seen Luca smile like that…you don’t think-?” I looked towards my mother, as she stayed quiet staring at the two.

She finally began to respond, “…Maybe someday, who knows it could be. Now run along and make her like you! You gave her a very bad impression!” My mother said

*Eve’s POV*

Luca and I walked out of the house towards the car where the picnic basket was waiting. I realized we were still holding hands when he tightened his grip. I quickly released my hand from his and held it close to my chest as it began to beat faster. He sent me an alarmed look as to question why I let go. I then turned too walked towards the car; I felt a bit embarrassed as Luca rubbed the back of his head and continued to stare in confusion.  Once I got in the car I sat there alone waiting for the driver, Cecilia, and Luca to join me. I placed the basket on my lap; inside the basket were: finger sandwiches, small juice boxes, fruit salads, and more just the way I liked it, nothing to fancy. Cecilia, Luca, and the driver finally joined me in the car, Luca sat next to me while Cecilia was in the passenger seat. Though this time, Luca wasn’t sitting close to me as usual; feeling kind of bad I laid my hand in the middle seat hoping he’d get the picture. And he did, gently resting his hand into mine. Only god knew we were both smiling out the window because of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2011 ⏰

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