Before The Fall

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It was a burning hot summer. The sun shone high and brightly in the sky, no wind blew and the streets of the city were crowded with families and friends. All was well and peaceful. 

Sat down inside of an office was a young man with h/c hair and tired e/c eyes. He wore a dishevilled white shirt and pants. His head was leaned on his left hand as he endlessly scrolled through lists of paperwork on his computer. 

It'd be an understatement to say that this man was miserable with his current life. A few days ago, his wife of 4 years had cheated on him for a group of criminals who steal just about anything and everything. They've been convicted but now the laws have been eased so now if you "identify" as a minority, then you can pretty much get away with nearly anything. Really goes to show how fucked the world had become. And this man was barely getting paid anything as his boss happens to be a sadist and gets off to all her worker's misery. 

After another five hours of mindless work, the man was finally able to clock out, not that he had anything better to do outside of work. Leaving the building, the man found himself in the middle of the car filled streets. Horns, blares and shouting rose from all around him, nearly deafening him. 

Man: What a load of shit... 

The man mumbled to himself. Hoping to get back home, he began to push through people, not caring what happened to them. As he barged his way through the crowds, he noticed some people breaking off to look down an alley. Frowning, he decided to take a look too. The closer he got to the source, the louder some noises became. It sounded like clapping and moaning which made him think of someone being intimate. But he didn't want to jump to conclusions. 

However, in this case, it seemed like jumping to conclusions was the best thing for him to do. When he managed to get a good look, he found three men dressed in hospital garbs, impaling a woman with their dicks. People had been taking their phones out and began recording them, laughing and booing at the same time. Along with laws being eased, thanks to the nonsense imaginary mind of the president, he brought a new law that it was now no longer illegal for indecent exposure and you were allowed to have sexual acts in public, provided there were no minors around. 

Despite this being legal, the man found it disgusting and barged out from the crowd, not wanting to listen any longer. Shaking his head, he kept walking until he reached a zebra crossing. Considering the traffic, it'd be a while till the lights turned green for the crossing. As the man waited, a small figure approached him and stopped beside him. 

???: Excuse me? 

Man: Hm? 

Turning to his left, he saw a young woman with short black hair and white tips looking up at him. She seemed around 17-18 and held a clipboard in her hands. 

Woman: Hi. I'm finding people for something special.

Man: What's this for? Some kind of project you're working on? 

Woman: Yes, actually! I'm in charge of looking for candidates for a doomsday protocol. A lot of people don't realise it, but the end of times is a lot closer than they realise. This doomsday protocol will see to it that its candidates will be safe from harm. 

Man: And... How exactly? 

Woman: Think of it as Fallout! Special bunkers that are deep underground and full of everything anyone could need! Food, beds, water, medical care, the lot! 

Man: Yeah, well I don't exactly have anything to give. 

Woman: Oh, its for free! A lot of people don't take us seriously, so the higher-ups decided to make it free in hopes of getting more people to accept. Its, uh... Kind of worked. A lot of people still don't take us seriously, b-but we do have more candidates now! 

The man shrugged his shoulders. 

Man: Alright, fine. I'll bite. 

The woman's eyes brightened in joy and she began to write down on the clipboard. 

Woman: Great! Glad to hear it! I just need to ask you a few questions. First, your name? 

Man: My name's Y/n L/n. 

Woman: "Y/n L/n"... Okay! Second question, how old are you? 

Y/n: 25. 

Woman: Okay... And next up, do you have any special medical needs? Any allergies or medication you're on? 

Y/n: No. 

Woman: Okay, good... Final question! What would you do with your last days? 

Y/n: What? Wow, that turned dark really quickly. 

Woman: I know. But the higher-ups really want all their candidates to answer every question. 

Y/n: My last days... 

The man contemplated it. He'd never really given it much thought. He could've died any day now, hell even in a minute's time. Its an interesting thing, death. People fear it, people embrace it, and yet nobody really thinks much about it. Everyone knows it catches everything that lives so there's no point in trying to run from it. 

Y/n: I guess... With my last days, I'd just... Try and keep going for as long as I can. And if I know I'm going to die, then I suppose I'll just... Try and do whatever I can to make things better for other people. 

The woman smiled as she wrote his answer down. 

Woman: That's a really sweet way of thinking. Some other candidates said they'd just spend their last days jacking off. 

Y/n: Somehow, I can believe that. 

Woman: All that's left now is for you to sign this form. 

She handed him the clipboard, allowing him to sign the form. Once he did that, the woman took it back and bowed her head. 

Woman: Thanks! We'll be in touch with you, Mr L/n. 

Y/n: Huh? But, wait! I never gave you contact details or anything! 

Woman: Don't worry about it. We'll know. 

With a bright smile, she walked away, making Y/n sigh. To his surprise, a force from behind shoved him forward right into the centre of the road, directly in front of a truck! 

The last thing he saw was a bumper hitting him right in the face. 

Unknown to anyone else, there were a group of people smiling from the corners of the road, chuckling. 

Soon after, the end of the world would be at hand.

A/n: Just a quick info part here as opposed to a whole info chapter. This book is basically inspired by every sex zombie game that you can imagine. The girl on the cover is from Hospital of the Dead. There will be some zombie girls in this book and since I don't know many other girls from sex zombie games (mainly cause Hospital of the Dead was the first one I played and that was around 3-4 hours before publishing this) so if you guys have any suggestions, leave the name of the game and potentially a download link (and if you do post a download link, at least make sure its trustworthy). 

Also if you're only suggesting a character from a game, make sure that you provide a SFW image so Wattpad doesn't be a bitch. Lots of lemons will be in this and dark humour will be in this (or at least I'll try to put that in) so you've been warned. 

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