2. Prick

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"One Direction stud Louis Tomlinson, 23, may have split from girlfriend of 4 years Eleanor Calder, 22, right before his late-night tryst with a mystery girl in a pool in Bangkok.."

Eleanor switched off the television, and sniffed. Tears were going down her cheeks as she saw pictures of some woman in bikini kissing her Louis.

Her Louis.

News flashed that they broke up two weeks ago just to prove that Louis didn't cheat on her. She chuckled dryly before breaking into more sobs, she didn't remember when she 'broke up' with Louis and paps seemed to have already confirmed it to world.

Eleanor knew better than to trust paparazzi, four years of experiencing their ability to turn a trivial action into flashing news was hard to go unnoticed by her. Though Louis and boys had got familiar with fame, she always had camera judging her every move, which clearly she wasn't comfortable with. But she had Louis by her side back then, so ignoring fake rumours was easy. Now, he was across the world and their relationship was unstable, one mistake and it's all down in flames.

No matter how much she tried to not believe the media, she couldn't take the images out of her head. What if it was photoshopped? But then Lottie, Louis's younger sister, did mention that Louis was going to all night party.

Her phone buzzed. It was Louis. She didn't answer, he could explain and clear her doubts but what if he proved them right? She couldn't handle that.

Four years was a big deal for Eleanor, she needed time to get over all this. She was more heartbroken than she'd ever admit. More than heartbroken she felt like she was betrayed by a person she was utterly devoted to.

So she did, what any other girl would do in situation like this, called her best friend.

"El, are you okay babe? I saw in the news and I am so-" Max spoke from other line.

"C.. Can you come and get me?" Eleanor's sobs interrupted him.

"I am on my way" he spoke but before he could comfort her she hung up.


Grabbing her jacket, phone, a pack of cigarettes and Bruce, her dog, with her she stepped out and camera's started flashing.

Normally she would flash a smile, ignoring all their blatter but this wasn't a normal situation and she didn't had to be nice for Louis' sake when he couldn't keep his lips to himself. So she shot the cameras her best glare. Before they could explode with questions she stepped in SUV and lighted her cigarette.


"Eleanor, enough! That's your fourth smoke," Max pulled out the stick out of her mouth.

"Did you get me my coffee?" she muttered.

Max handed her cup of almond milk latte and she started sipping it. Max wanted to comfort her but it looked like cigarettes and coffee did a better job, besides Eleanor wasn't crying. Partly because she was exhausted after doing that for past hours and partly because Eleanor didn't want to talk about anything remotely related to Louis.

"Do you want me to break his bones?" Max was fuming but Eleanor didn't notice.

She chuckled, "That would be very nice of you."

"El, are you going to be okay?" Max asked holding her hand, because he knew she wasn't okay now.

She didn't reply.

Max stared at her puffed eyes, even though she had tried to cover it up with make up, anybody could figure out she had been crying alot.

So he brought out ice cream from fridge. They ended up watching Disney and eating gallons of ice cream.

"He is such a prick. Prick, prick, prick. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I hate him. Prick, prick, prick, " Eleanor kept whispering before her eyes closed.

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