Chapter 1 - Life as I Know It

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"Runner!!! We need a runner!!"

"Of course, I'll get those sauces and come back with your side, as well!"


I bust through swinging doors to the kitchen of the bustling restaurant. Bumping into a few others dressed like me, I sift through the tickets hung above the counter. I instantly peep the lobster mac n' cheese that table 6 is waiting for and jump to grab it. The energy in this place fuels my adrenaline, fit to serve the 5pm crowd.

"AY, YOU! Get these plates out there!" 

The chefs always had such a way with words! But you could never take any of it to heart. We're all busting our butts in this restaurant. You couldn't expect less from a well-renowned steakhouse in the middle of the one of the most expensive cities in America.

With Table 6's side in my hand, my coworker, Saya, that seemed to have popped out of nowhere, comes up to my right and gives me a look. We exchange glances and went on to work together to bring the rest of the food to the eager customers. If it weren't for her, I'd feel miserable in this place! And I know she feels the same for me. 

Work today was just like any other Friday evening: intense, fast, entertaining, and intimidating. I'm not always the first to dance in the middle of the dance floor, but as I got older, I have found that the thrill is a feeling I find myself chasing more and more nowadays.

My shift is finally over and the night crew is closing up shop. We say our goodbyes, we thank the chefs, the staff, and I walk out with my girl Saya. 

"Oh my gosh, Jay was being a hard ass today, huh?", Saya says.

I heard her, but my mind was focused on something else.

"Y/N? Y/N? Helloooo, did you hear me?", She tries again. 

"Haha, girl, I'm sorry. I was just trying to remember where I parked!", I finally reply. 

"You mean where you always park?" Her face changes. "Uh oh...what's going on?"

"Pshh, nothing! My mind has just been busy, you know?", I half-heartedly reply.

Saya stops dead in her tracks. She crosses her arms and lifts her brow.

"Y/ know you can tell me. Does this have anything to do with—

I drop my bag on the concrete. Stupid thing always slips off my shoulder. Or maybe it's just grown too heavy with all the useless crap I've stuffed into it over the years. Ok, yes, I see how my literal baggage reflects the metaphorical baggage I've been carrying...thank you for the sign, Universe. 

Saya bends down with me and helps with my belongings.

"OK, I'm sorry. You're right. I guess I'm still trying to find my footing. And 'you know who' hasn't been making it any easier." We stand back up together and take a few more steps to stand in front of my car.

"UGH, you mean, 'he who shall not be named'? I had a feeling", she says as she relaxes her shoulders and takes hold of my forearms. "You're going through the biggest transition of your life! You only just moved here a few weeks ago, you just got a really good job, and you're doing it all on your own! What you're taking on is not for the feint of heart, you know?"

With my chin still down, my eyes look up at her.

"I know...thank you. And technically, I'm not alone, I have you now!", I cheerily feign. 

She rolls her eyes and pushes my shoulder in jest. 

"Oh my God, you know what I mean! Cut yourself some slack. You're going to be ok. You've overcome everything you ever gone through already. This too, shall pass...And block your ex, already, will ya??" She sees me into my car and hangs on the driver door.

I sigh, "You know it's much more complicated than that, Saya". I fiddle with the seat belt, uncomfortable with the thought of the inevitable future.

"Is it? Or are you just telling yourself that because there is still a part of you that doesn't actually want to let go?", she quickly counters.

I scoff, but I hear her loud and clear. She hugs me goodbye and I embrace her back. She shuts my door and signals a salute with a wink before she walks a few feet to her car. That was Saya's typical sign off. I love those random quirks about her.

I start my drive home and as much as I wanted to distract myself with how grateful I am to have made such a real friend in so little time, my mind fixates on the last thing she said to me.

No. There's no way I ever want to go back to....him. I can't. I won't. I...I moved away, I'm done, there's no point. Right? So then...

Why do I feel this unshakable tether?


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