Chapter 2 - What's Real

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I park my car in front of my apartment that sits two stories above me. It's late now so no one's around. And right now that's exactly what I need. The thought of going up the stairs is already too much for me with what's weighing on my mind, so I sit in silence.

I roll my shoulders back and stretch my neck to the left and then right to properly unwind in my car. Saya's question really had me thinking. I need to get more comfortable right now. I reach for the handle to lay my seat back, but I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

What was that? It's after midnight and no one is out right now.

I finally lay my seat back and notice it again. It's...small? I think someone's dog escaped? I love animals and my mind can't let this go. I get out of the car to follow it.

I mean, what if it's lost? I wouldn't want my dog running around at night like this.

It seemed to have snuck through the hall below my unit. It couldn't have gone far. I finally get out of the car to appease my curiosity. I walk through the dimly lit space and notice something at the very end of the hall, on the other side.

It IS a dog! It's so cute, like a small little dark cloud. We lock eyes and it darts away.

I can't help myself. I go after it. I have to help the little guy out! My senses feel heightened and my eyes adjust to the darkness now.

Darn thing keeps running! It's behind a bush now. I got you, little one! I power walk to it as quietly as I can, but it darts off a second time.

"Don't worry, little baby, I'm not gonna hurt you!", I whisper.

Before you know it, we're in a cat and mouse game.

I gain up on it, and every time, it disappears behind another corner. Every. Time.

Finally, I recognize the area we're heading towards and notice that I will finally have it cornered. I walk slowly. Excited. I'll have this pup soon. Close to turning the wall, I realize that if I play my cards right, the baby will eagerly run into my arms. It has no choice!

I confidently turn the corner and—

What? There's nothing? But...that's impossible. It was just here. It couldn't have gone anywhere else.

I hear a rustle and I turn around instantly. It's darker now and there are no lights here. I can't see as clearly.

There's a figure. A person standing there.

"Hello?...Are you looking for your dog?" I anxiously asked.

No response. The figure is getting closer now.

It's a man.

"....Do you need help?" I ask again. I squint my eyes to try and get a better look, but it's too dark here and strangely foggy.

He keeps walking forward and suddenly I realize it. I have no where to go. I'm trapped. I'm the cornered one now.

The man grows bigger. Taller. Ominous. I go to scream and NOTHING. Nothing comes out.

What's happening? I can't speak.

I step back and my body bumps the wall behind me.

This is it.

You can't do anything now. You're hopeless. You can't move. You're alone.

A black hole where the man's mouth is supposed to be suddenly begins to appear and grow long as he moves faster towards me. A sound like I've never heard pierces through my ears—

I shut my eyes HARD AND BRACE—


"AHHHHH!" I gasp as I sit up from my bed.

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