Bio ( Filler )

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Just to let you know! I will make it fairly obvious when I am speaking out of the story! but uh I use a lot of ... and [REDACTED] so uh.. I dunno cry about it



SERIAL NUMBER: 10291357/0131

TITLE: Pilot of Mk II Combat Garment (White Suit)

Real Name: Ronin Biggen

Nationality: British, Welsh

Gender: Male

Date of birth: [CLASSIFIED]

Biographical Information

Former Mercenary for GOI-#3245 'VALRAVN'

Former Command Sergeant of MTF Omega-1 [REDACTED]

Defected to UN 26th Arctic Recon Detachment on the night of 25/12/23 reason of due to past operations involving GOI-#012 'The SCP Foundation'

Career Service Vitae






Name: Ronin Biggen

Description: Young Male Between the ages of 16-19 ( Will be explained trust me cuh ), Dirty Blonde Hair that is usually fluffy, Deep Blue eyes, Not fat but not skinny either and is fairly muscular but not like fucking jacked also wears a Robotic arm that looks like this but without the big cylinder at the top.

Description: Young Male Between the ages of 16-19 ( Will be explained trust me cuh ), Dirty Blonde Hair that is usually fluffy, Deep Blue eyes, Not fat but not skinny either and is fairly muscular but not like fucking jacked also wears a Robotic a...

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MK-II Combat Garment White Suit ( if you want comprehensive shit read this )

The White Suit grants the wearer Invisibility

Parachute to stop you from  dying from high falls

Basic Environmental Protection I.E; Heater, Gas mask, Rebreather and A/C

Equipped with "Banshee" audio-visual cognit hazard generators to induce fear in non-GOC personnel ( just about anyone on Remnant )

Room Sweeper which allows it to basically blow up anything in a 360 degrees circle but needs to be restocked

Enhanced Armour

This Particular model has an AI named ONI ( Operational Nexus Intelligence )

Reality Anchoring Device which basically disables anyone's Aura and Semblance within a 20 metre radius..

Reality Anchoring Device which basically disables anyone's Aura and Semblance within a 20 metre radius

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(Imagine that but with a robotic arm on the right arm also not my art.. look at Pinterest or whatever )

I will continue to add shit to it while I am bored 

M16 Assault Rifle

Stocked with Original Gunpowder bullets but may resort to dust if that runs out ( in my understanding dust is less powerful to launch bullets but Gunpowder doesn't get your fancy ice or fire but pure kinetic force )

Has an under barrel Grenade launcher 


He uses it usually in a 3 round burst but can switch to single or full auto


Has a silencer.. 

Looks bad ass but is pretty shitty at killing Grimm and people

His story: Worked for Valrvan as a mercenary but then joined the Foundation because he wanted more purpose then he Worked for MTF Omega-1 in the past but began to hate the O5 Council and Ethics Committee and then he learned about Camp Grenada which made disillusioned with the committee. He doesn't hold a grudge ethics as much but still sees them as weak, He was fighting at the Battle of Ganzir during the SCP-5000 Timeline where he gets cross-fired by a Thaumatologist using some reality bending portal and sent into Remnant.

Likes: Guns, Girls, Armour, his mother, Literally like people with basic decency and like.. being a nerd.

Dislikes: Bandits, The O5 Council, Anomalies and in general isn't too fond of Ironwood but works with him because why not.

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