Strange New world

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Hey guys.. Second part please do tell me if I am being shit at this by the way!

I woke up after being hit by a Thaumatologist.. " I am going to skin him aliv- What the fuck is his place? " I think to myself as I get even more pissed

" NOOOOO, I WANTED BLOOD OF THE FOUNDATION!!!! " I cry out on my knees

" That bastard is probably dead anyways.. but.. the Grass.. it's lush.. " I think to myself as I hear growling behind me as I raise my M16 and point it at the bush as a dog walks out.. a frenchie 

" Aww your so cute.. " I pet the frenchie on his fat lil head I then check his collar that says 'Doug' 

" Doug? Lead me to your family brotha " I say as I realise I am going insane with no human contact for 5 seconds

The dog then barks and runs off as I chase it

TIMESKIP brought to you by me the lazy author

We been walking for a while now.. as I notice smoke on the horizon.. " Always a good sign " I think as we are waking towards it

I then realise that the foundation might still be here as I activate cloak and advance towards the Village with my M16 in hand

I begin to see weird creatures.. black.. creatures.. UTEs perhaps but what is for damn sure is that they are killing innocent humans and CAT GIRLS!!! 

I look through the scope of my M16 and completely miss the weird monsters as my bullet ricochets off a sign and hits one in the head.. It works

Villager's POV

 The Villagers look around in confusion and fear as an unknown force kills the Grimm one by one as they keep falling.. The Grimm are just as confused as they are and begin to retreat that is when a man wearing some weird unknown armour comes out from behind a building and looks around... Atlas? No.. Atlas is not nearly this smart.. This was coordinated.. This guy had to be special forces.. 

Back to my POV

I am such an idiot.. I missed the first shot.. now I will never get a cat girl girlfriend, why are they looking at me? Did ONI turn off my fucking cloak..

" Dammit ONI you here? "


" Did you turn off my gawd damn Cloak.. "


" Good, Get it fixed.. I need my must win card "

I look at the Civilians who keep giving me stares of wonder.. 

" Hey.. Who are you " One of them say walking up to me

" Who am I! Uh  I am.. the Military! Top Secret Spec ops.. you know cool shit? Alpha-Bravo Cheesecake.. " I say trying to pretend being the military

" Huh.. Thank you for killing those Grimm.. " They say thanking me

" Grimm.. Yes.. I did kill them! Can I get a basic run down on the local area.. I am lost " I say trying to gather intel

Timeskip them talking about Vale and stuff

" How long is Vale? " I say trying to figure our how far away

" Like a few kilometres in length? " They say confused

" No.. I mean like how far away " I say as I pinch the front of my nose or well my mask

" Eh.. A two hour walk " They say 

" Thanks.. uh.. Well.. I will be leaving.. thanks for all this hospitality! " I say as I walk off

" Oh can I get your name.. Soldier " They say to me as I begin to panic

" Uh.. Texas.. Cool name yeah I know right? " I say as ONI final says "CLOAK ONLINE" and then I disappear to fuck off into Vale

Villager POV

He seemed.. lost? He didn't seem so badass.. but he still killed a bunch of Grimm effortlessly.. I guess he was just awkward.. Texas.. I will tell the others about this.. 

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